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Models, actresses, employees: The women speaking out against Harvey Weinstein
Below are some sentences and vocabularies from the article:

1. The scandal unfurled with the testimonies of eight women published in the New York Times on October 5.

unfurled = membabar, tersebar
  • membabar = unfurl
  • membabarkan = unfurl, spread, explain, extend, lay out
  • membeber = unfurl, reveal, spread, display, open
  • mengembang = expand, swell, open, flare, unfurl

2. The newspaper also revealed other cases of harassment, including actress Rose McGowan and model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, who reportedly received settlements from Weinstein following the incidents.

revealed  = mengungkapkan
  • mengungkapkan = reveal, give expression, utter, clothe
  • mengungkap = reveal, express
  • menyatakan = declare, state, express, claim, assert, reveal
  • memperlihatkan = show, exhibit, reveal, display, disclose, produce

3. The newspaper also revealed other cases of harassment, including actress Rose McGowan and model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, who reportedly received settlements from Weinstein following the incidents.

harrashment gangguan
  • gangguan interference, disturbance, disruption, interruption, nuisance, harassment
  • godaan = temptation, harassment, obsession, tease, allurement, tribulation
  • usikan = harassment, tease, abuse, fault-finding

4. The newspaper also revealed other cases of harassment, including actress Rose McGowan and model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, who reportedly received settlements from Weinstein following the incidents.

settlements = hunian
  • penyelesaian = completion, settlement, solution, settling, accomplishment, fulfillment
  • pemukiman = settlement, habitation
  • permukiman = settlement, habitation
5. The New Yorker magazine also carried out its own ten-month investigation, published October 10, which featured accusations from 13 women -- including three of rape from actresses Asia Argento and Lucia Evans, and another anonymous young woman.

carried out dilakukan
  • melaksanakan = implement, carry out, perform, execute, enforce, fulfill
  • melakukan = do, perform, make, carry out, undertake, take
  • menjalankan = run, perform, execute, start, carry out, operate
6. The New Yorker magazine also carried out its own ten-month investigation, published October 10, which featured accusations from 13 women -- including three of rape from actresses Asia Argento and Lucia Evans, and another anonymous young woman.

accusations = tuduhan
  • tuduhan = accusation, charge, indictment, count, imputation, impeachment
  • dakwaan = indictment, charge, accusation, arraignment, inculpation, crimination
  • gugatan = suit, claim, accusation, criticism
  • pengaduan = complaint, denunciation, case, accusation, plaint, competition
7. In the same article, actress Mira Sorvino, Emma de Caunes, Rosana Arquette and Jessica Barth gave similar accounts of the cinema mogul's sexual advances -- along with Emily Nestor, an ex-employee of the Weinstein Company, who fired Weinstein in the wake of the allegations.

wake = bangun
  • bangun = wake, get up, awake, rise, awaken, roll out
  • membangunkan = wake, awaken, build, rouse, awake, waken
  • bangunkan = wake
  • membangkitkan = generate, raise, evoke, arouse, awaken, wake
8. The flood of revelations paved the way for other women to begin speaking out. Celebrated actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Judith Godreche and Katherine Kendall all told the New York Times they were approached by Weinstein -- who was naked or wearing a bathrobe -- in hotel rooms during the 1990s
paved = mengaspal
  • mengaspal = pave, asphalt, tar
  • meratakan = flatten, smooth, level, even, pave, even out
  • membatui = pave, stone, lay bricks
  • melapisi jalan dgn batu = pave, pebble, macadamize, cobble
bathrobe = mantel mandi

(Source: The Jakarta Post)

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