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Learn English With The News

Facebook Wins, Democracy Loses

Below are some sentences and vocabularies from the article:

1. On Wednesday, Facebook revealed that hundreds of Russia-based accounts had run anti-Hillary Clinton ads precisely aimed at Facebook users whose demographic profiles implied a vulnerability to political propaganda.

Precisely = tepat


  • tepat = right, just, exactly, precisely, directly, properly
  • justru = precisely, exactly
  • persis = exactly, just, precisely, right, flat, to the letter
  • tepat sekali = precisely

2. On Wednesday, Facebook revealed that hundreds of Russia-based accounts had run anti-Hillary Clinton ads precisely aimed at Facebook users whose demographic profiles implied a vulnerability to political propaganda.

implied = tersirat


  • sisipan = insertion, insert, inset, infix, implied

3. The audacity of a hostile foreign power trying to influence American voters rightly troubles us.

audacity = keberanian


  • keberanian = courage, bravery, nerve, guts, boldness, audacity
  • kekurangajaran = brashness, impertinence, impudence, sass, audacity, effrontery
  • kelancangan = impudence, effrontery, sass, presumption, forwardness, audacity
  • kegalakan = ferocity, gruffness, fierceness, audacity

4. The majority of the Facebook ads did not directly mention a presidential candidate, according to Alex Stamos, head of security at Facebook, but “appeared to focus on amplifying divisive social and political messages across the ideological spectrum — touching on topics from L.G.B.T. matters to race issues to immigration to gun rights.”

amplifying = menguatkan


  • memperkuat = strengthen, reinforce, amplify, substantiate, confirm, invigorate
  • menguatkan = reinforce, confirm, corroborate, amplify, toughen, affirm
  • menjelaskan = explain, clarify, account, define, elucidate, illustrate
  • memperkeras = harden, strengthen, stiffen, amplify, tighten
  • mengeraskan = harden, braze, solidify, turn up, stiffen, amplify
  • memperkeraskan = harden, stiffen, strengthen, amplify, tighten

5. The majority of the Facebook ads did not directly mention a presidential candidate, according to Alex Stamos, head of security at Facebook, but “appeared to focus on amplifying divisive social and political messages across the ideological spectrum — touching on topics from L.G.B.T. matters to race issues to immigration to gun rights.”



  • spektrums = pectrum
  • gambaran = picture, description, image, idea, illustration, spectrum
  • hantu = ghost, phantom, specter, spirit, apparition, spectrum
  • momok = specter, scourge, bugbear, bugaboo, phantom, spectrum

6. he ads — about 3,000 placed by 470 accounts and pages spending about $100,000 — were what the advertising industry calls “dark posts,” seen only by a very specific audience, obscured by the flow of posts within a Facebook News Feed and ephemeral.

obscured = dikaburkan


  • mengaburkan = obscure, blur, fog, dim out, blind
  • menggelapkan = darken, embezzle, obscure, tamper, becloud, cloud
  • menghalang-halangi = obscure, cut off, clog

7. he ads — about 3,000 placed by 470 accounts and pages spending about $100,000 — were what the advertising industry calls “dark posts,” seen only by a very specific audience, obscured by the flow of posts within a Facebook News Feed and ephemeral.

ephemeral = tdk kekal 


  • tdk kekal = ephemeral, transitory
  • yg berlangsung sebentar saja = ephemeral
  • yg lekas berlalu = ephemeral

Demikian, semoga dapat bermanfaat..

Source: The New York Times

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