Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari Bookreview: A cultural phenomenon


Book Review: A cultural phenomenon of economic insight

Below are sentences and vocabularies from the article:

1. If ever a book conspired to challenge conventional wisdom

conspired bersekongkol, konspirasi; make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.

  • bersekongkol = conspire, plot, abet, gang up, connive, intrigue
  • berkomplot = conspire, plot, connive, scheme, be in cahoots, cabal
  • bertindak bersamaan = concur, conspire

2. draw patterns between seemingly disparate data sets, and denigrate the very fabric of what we hold to be true, then that book is none other than Freakonomics.

denigrate memburukkan; criticize unfairly; disparage.


  • memburukkan = worsen, denigrate, slander, make worse, ruin, deprave
  • melimaui = denigrate, wash with lime juice
  • menghitamkan = discolor, black, discolour, denigrate

3. you’ll have undoubtedly encountered the Freakonomics franchise 

encountered ditemui; unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostilean unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something.


  • pertemuan = meeting, gathering, encounter, conference, assembly, confluence
  • perjumpaan = encounter, meeting
  • pertempuran = battle, combat, fight, hostilities, engagement, encounter


  • menghadapi = face, deal with, encounter, confront, take on, grapple
  • mengalami = experience, have, run into, undergo, encounter, go through
  • menjumpai = find, see, encounter, come across, meet, come upon
  • bertemu dgn = see, encounter
  • berjumpa secara kebetulan = run across, run into, fall in, encounter
  • menemukan secara kebetulan = chance, stumble, light, run across, fall across, encounter

4. This enfant terrible of academic insight dares to confront an array of social woes using an approach that many thought they understood, but in fact didn’t.

  • an array susunan
  • woes kesengsaraan; great sorrow or distress.


  • duka = grief, heartache, tears
  • duka cita = grief, sorrow, mourning

It transpired that economics was infact a way of answering questions and deciphering riddles

transpired terjadi; occur; happen.


  • terjadi= happen, occur, take place, come about, develop, come to pass
  • berlangsung = take place, go on, occur, be held, transpire, come off
  • menjadi termasyhur = transpire

5. Thanks to economist Steven D. Levitt and writer Stephen J. Dubner, Freakonomics dispels the myth that economics is some obscure offshoot of business management and/or finance

obscure mengaburkan; not discovered or known about; uncertain.; keep from being seen; conceal.


  • mengaburkan = obscure, blur, fog, dim out, blind
  • menggelapkan = darken, embezzle, obscure, tamper, becloud, cloud
  • menghalang-halangi = obscure, cut off, clog


  • kabur = vague, fuzzy, hazy, obscure, fading, dim
  • gelap = dark, illegal, illicit, clandestine, murky, obscure
  • tersembunyi = hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, obscure
  • remang = ghostly, poor, nebulous, feeble, obscure
  • lindap = poor, obscure
  • tdk jelas = inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, obscure, hazy
  • offshoot cabang; a side shoot or branch on a plant.

6. to ponder what school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common

ponder merenungkan; think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.


  • merenungkan = ponder, contemplate, meditate, ruminate, muse, dwell
  • memikirkan = think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, ponder
  • mempertimbangkan = consider, take into consideration, examine, allow, judge, ponder

7. The answers to these quandaries, and more, are here. And they make for essential reading.

quandaries kebingungan; a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.


  • kebingungan = confusion, flurry, bewilderment, quandary, perplexity, puzzlement
  • dilema = dilemma, quandary
  • kesulitan = trouble, difficulty, hardship, adversity, distress, impediment

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Source: The Jakarta Post

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