Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Film Dark Knight


The Dark Night

Film The Dark Night adalah sekuel atau sambungan dari film Batman Begins yang booming pada tahun 2008. (The Dark Night film is a sequel or continuation of the booming 2008 film Batman Begins.)

Cerita dari film The Dark Night diawali dengan adegan sekelompok penjahat yang berusaha merampok sebuah bank di kota Gotham city dimana bank tersebut menyimpan uang para mafia. Setelah selesai merampok para penjahat ini terlibat saling bunuh yang menyisakan hanya joker yang kemudian kabur membawa uang tersebut. (The story of the film The Dark Night begins with a scene of a group of criminals trying to rob a bank in Gotham city where the bank keeps the money of the mafia. After finishing the robbery, the criminals were involved in killing each other, leaving only the joker who then ran away with the money.)

Here are some sentences, dialogues and vocabularies from the film.

1. Knight = nomina ksatria


2. kind = 

GRUMPY: Three of a kind, let's do this.


  1. jenis = type, kind, species, sort, variety, breed
  2. macam = kind, sort, manner, variety, type, species
  3. ragam = manner, kind, fad, style, type, whim
  4. rupa = form, appearance, look, face, aspect, kind
  5. bagai = kind, equivalent, peer, type
  6. ciri = feature, characteristic, trait, mark, merits, kind


  1. baik = good, well, nice, kind, great, right

3. share = 

GRUMPY: Two guys on the roof. Every

guy gets a share. Five shares is plenty.


  1. saham = stock, share, holdings, portion, part, concern
  2. bagian = part, section, portion, piece, share, passage
  3. andil = share, contribution
  4. efek = effect, stock, share
  5. sero = holdings, stock, share
  6. catu = portion, ration, share
  7. catuan = ration, portion, share
  8. cadong = share, portion
  9. efekten = share, stock
  10. mata bajak = plowshare, ploughshare, share


  1. membagi = divide, split, share, distribute, cut, partition

4. pal =

I said, hands up, heads down!

Let's go, pal,


  1. sahabatf = riend, pal, comrade
  2. kawan = friend, comrade, fellow, fella, companion, pal

5wired =



Where did you learn to count?

HAPPY: They wired this thing up

with like 5000 volts.

What kind of bank does that?


  1. mengikat dgn kawat


  1. menelegram = wire, send a telegram, message
  2. mengawatkan = wire, message, telegraph

6. loaded =


I'm betting the Joker told you to kill me

soon as we loaded the cash.

  1. sarat = loaded, laden, full, pregnant
  2. kaya = rich, wealthy, affluent, well, prosperous, loaded
  3. mabuk = drunk, drunken, intoxicated, boozy, tanked, loaded
  4. yg diisi = filled, loaded, stuffed

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