Belajar bahasa Inggris dari Film Speed


Learn English through Speed

1. Hey, this area's restricted 


  • terbatas = limited, restricted, finite, narrow, qualified, parochial
  • terlarang = forbidden, prohibited, restricted, off-limits
2. Oh, hi. Yeah, I know. They called me down here.
  • called me down = memanggilku
3. I couldn't be happier with the way this worked out.

  • berhasil = succeed, manage, be successful, work out, thrive, be a success
  • menyusun = arrange, compile, set, draw up, compose, make up
  • berlatih = practice, train, rehearse, work out, warm up, drill
  • keluar = exit, come out, go out, escape, break out, drop out
  • memecahkan = solve, break, resolve, crack, decipher, tackle
  • mengembangkan = develop, expand, promote, extend, evolve, spread
  • menghabiskan = spend, finish, consume, use up, deplete, drain
  • jadi = become, get, do, take, happen, end up
  • memperkembangkan = develop, promote, evolve, open, unfold, extend
4. Bob, what button did you push?
  • tombol = button, switch, knob, push button
  • kancing = button, latch, snap, stud
  • kenop = knob, button, switch, stop
5. The bomber wants 6  million or he blows the emergency brakes.
  • pukulan = blow, hit, stroke, beating, knock, jolt
  • serangan = attack, assault, strike, raid, offensive, blow
  • tamparan = slap, blow, spanking, smack, spat, spank
  • gebrakan = slap, blow, chop
  • tumbukan = collision, impact, blow, push
  • kemalangan = misfortune, adversity, disaster, rigors, bad luck, blow
  • angin ribut = storm, hurricane, tempest, windstorm, gale, blow
  • perkembangan = development, growth, progress, evolution, expansion, blow
  • palu = hammer, gavel, helve hammer, helve, blow
6. I don't recognise the work, but he's a pro.
  • the work = pekerjaan
7. The two of you check it out
  • check it out = saksikan berikut ini
8. Hey, come on! What are you guys waiting for?
  • waiting for = tunggu
9. How much you think that elevator weights?
  • How much = Berapa?
10. Maybe we can do something about those hostages.
Nomina = sandera
  • a person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition.
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