Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari Film The lost City

The Lost City

 Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Script The Lost City

1. You were incredible.

  • incredible = menakjubkan


  • luar biasa = incredible, exceptional, extraordinary, remarkable, unbelievable, unusual
  • tdk masuk akal = illogical, chimerical, absurd, incredible, unreasonable, grotesque

2. My heart is still racing.

  • race = balapan (berdetak keras)


  • balap = racing, races
  • balapan = races, racing, racetrack, racecourse
  • pacuan kuda = racing, turf, horserace


  • berhubung dgn pacuan = racing
  • yg berhubung dgn balapan = racing

3. All thanks to your brute strength

  • brute = kasar


  • kasar = rude, rough, coarse, bearish, rugged, brute


  • hewan = animal, creature, brute
  • orang tanpa perikemanusiaan = brute

4. The truth is, I never thought I would find the Lost City of D.

  • thought  = pikiran


  • pikir = thought, thinking, opinion
  • pemikiran = thought, idea, reasoning, consideration, reflection, speculation
  • pikiran = mind, thought, idea, think, head, notion

5. This is ridiculous.

  • ridiculous = konyol


  • bodoh = stupid, foolish, fool, dumb, ignorant, ridiculous
  • edan = crazy, wacky, screwy, insane, mad, ridiculous
  • yg menggelikan = ridiculous, comical, humorous, diverting, laughable, ludicrous

6. I’m really looking forward to seeing this last chapter.

  • looking forward to seeing = berharap untuk melihat

7.  The exact amount of pressure that motivates you but doesn’t paralyze you.

  • paralyze = melumpuhkan


  • melumpuhkan = paralyze, cripple, disable, immobilize, stifle, deactivate
  • membuat lumpuh = paralyze, paralyse
  • membuat tdk berdaya = paralyze, crock, knock out, crock up, stifle, paralyse

8. We have to keep going.

  • keep going = terus berlanjut


  • membiarkan maju = keep going
  • mempertahankan maintain, defend, preserve, hold, stand, keep going
9. I feel like a nerdy figure skater
  • nerdy = kutu buku
10We have to remind the fans why they love you so much.
  • remind = mengingatkan

  • mengingatkan = remind, warn, bring to mind, admonish, think, impress
  • memperingatkan = warn, remind, forewarn, admonish
  • mirip = resemble, image, correspond, remind, border, counterfeit
  • menagih = collect, bill, demand, insist, remind, dun
  • membuat teringat = remind
  • mengenangkan = remember, commemorate, reminisce, remind
11. Steamy wondering.
  • Steamy = beruap
  • beruap = steamy, carbonated
  • penuh dgn uap = steamy
12. I wanted to talk to you about something = Aku ingin berbicara denganmu tentang sesuatu.

13. He’s not gonna humiliate you.
  • humiliate = menghina
  • menghina = insult, humiliate, offend, disdain, affront, disparage
  • merendahkan = humble, lower, degrade, humiliate, disparage, cheapen
  • menghinakan = humiliate, degrade, spurn, humble, contemn, debase
  • memalukan = shame, disgrace, embarrass, be ashamed, dishonor, humiliate
  • memperhina = humiliate, insult, despise, belittle, disparage
  • memperhinakan = humiliate, insult, despise, belittle, disparage
14. You’re very good at your job = Anda sangat baik dalam pekerjaan Anda.

15. Let me help you with that.= Biarkan saya membantu Anda dengan itu.

Demikian, semoga dapat bermanfaat..

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