Writing Vocabularies

Menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris terkadang memerlukan, selain grammar atau tata bahasa yang baik, juga kita sangat memerlukan sejumlah vocabularies atau kosa kata yang kita perlukan untuk membangun suatu kalimat yang disusun menjadi suatu paragraf.

(Writing in English sometimes requires, in addition to good grammar or grammar, we also really need a number of vocabularies that we need to build a sentence that is composed into a paragraph.)

Berikut adalah beberapa kosa kata atau vocabularies yang penulis temukan dalam tulisan, yang dapat digunakan dalam menulis menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

(Here are some vocabularies that the writer found in writing, and can be used in writing in English.)

1. The turmoil = Kekacauan

2. Shell out = membayar 


  • membayar = pay, shell out, settle, fork out, foot, give
  • keluar uang = shell out

3. Avert = mencegah

  • turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).

  • prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence).

  • Avert your eyes = alihkan pandanganmu


  • mencegah = prevent, avoid, stop, avert, forestall, stave off
  • menangkal = ward, prevent, avert
  • menghindarkan = avoid, spare, avert, preclude, obviate, waive
  • memalingkan muka = avert
- memalingkan pandangan = avert

4. Admit = mengakui

  • confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance.

  • allow (someone) to enter a place.

  • accept as valid.

  • allow the possibility of.


  • mengakui = admit, recognize, acknowledge, confess, concede, profess
  • mengaku = confess, admit, plead, claim to be, purport, fess up
  • menerima = receive, accept, take, get, admit, take in
  • memasukkan = enter, include, insert, put, incorporate, put in
  • masih dapat = admit
  • mengenal = know, recognize, identify, understand, admit, tell
  • membenarkan = justify, confirm, condone, correct, warrant, substantiate
  • berlaku = apply, prevail, be valid, act, occur, happen
  • mengizinkan masuk = admit, receive
  • memuat = load, contain, accommodate, carry, hold, take

5. Sustainable = Berkelanjutan

6. Distorting = Mendistorsi

  • pull or twist out of shape.

  • give a misleading or false account or impression of.

  • change the form of (an electrical signal or sound wave) during transmission, amplification, or other processing."


  • memutarbalikkan = distort, twist, reverse, contort, garble, turn back
  • mengubah = change, turn, alter, transform, modify, convert
  • membelokkan = deflect, turn, divert, distort, swing, swerve
  • meringis = grimace, grin, simper, distort, make grimace
  • memulas = daub, wring, twist, screw, distort, turn
  • membolak-balik = turn again and again, thumb, turn over and over, distort

7. Although  = meskipun


  • in spite of the fact that; even though.


  • meskipun = although, though, even though, even if, while, when
  • walaupun = although, though, even though, even if, while, albeit
  • meski = although, though, even though, while, even if, when
  • walau = although, though, even though, while, even if, albeit
  • sekalipun = even if, although, even though, albeit, notwithstanding
  • kendati = although, though, even though, notwithstanding
  • kendatipun = although, though, even though, notwithstanding
  • biarpun = even though, although, though, however, nevertheless
  • maupun = as well as, nor, although
  • sungguhpun = though, even though, although, even if
  • biar = though, so that, even though, although, however
  • sungguh = though, although, even though, even if
  • lamun = yet, although

8. Meanwhile = sementara itu


  • in the intervening period of time.


  • sementara itu = meanwhile, meantime
  • tetapi sebenarnya = meantime, meanwhile
  • dlm pd itu = meantime, meanwhile, at the same time, passingly

9. Effort
  • a vigorous or determined attempt.
  • a force exerted by a machine or in a process.
  • upaya = effort, means
  • usaha = business, effort, venture, attempt, enterprise, work
  • karya = work, creation, opus, effort
  • penguasahaan = effort, husbandry
  • ijtihad = diligence, effort, individual interpretation, personal examination
  • tenggang = effort

10. Protect = melindungi


  • keep safe from harm or injury.


  • melindungi = protect, safeguard, shield, preserve, cover, secure
  • menjaga = keep, maintain, take care of, guard, preserve, safeguard
  • membela = defend, stand up, protect, plead, fend, stick up
  • memelihara = maintain, keep, preserve, nurture, care, nourish
  • memperlindungi = protect, patronize, shelter, conceal, harbor, cover
  • melindungkan = protect, safeguard, save, shelter
  • memperlindungkan = take into custody, protect, patronize, shelter, conceal, harbor
  • menyentosakan = protect

11. Impact  = dampak


  • the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.


  • come into forcible contact with another object.

  • have a strong effect on someone or something.


  • dampak = impact
  • pengaruh = influence, effect, impact, leverage, clout, weight
  • benturan = impact, bump
  • impak = impact
  • tumbukan = collision, impact, blow, push

12. Increase = meningkat


  • become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree.


  • an instance of growing or making greater.
  • meningkatkan = increase, upgrade, intensify, escalate, jack up, work up
  • meningkat = increase, mount, go up, advance, liven up, zoom
  • menambah = add, increase, supplement, augment, gain, enhance
  • naik = ride, rise, increase, go up, take, climb
  • menaikkan = raise, increase, up, boost, elevate, promote
  • bertambah = increase, grow, gain, rise, accrue, put on
  • memperbesar = enlarge, increase, magnify, extend, enhance, augment
  • memperbanyak = multiply, increase, propagate, augment, extend, enhance
  • memperluas = expand, extend, broaden, widen, enlarge, increase
  • menambahkan = add, append, increase, supplement, enhance, gain
  • mempertinggi = enhance, increase, heighten, raise, elevate, jack up
  • membesarkan = raise, enlarge, bring up, rear, increase, turn up
  • membesar = expand, swell, increase, belly, grow up
  • membengkak = swell, increase, tumefy, inflame
  • mempertajam = sharpen, improve, exacerbate, increase, better, set
  • mempertebal = strengthen, thicken, increase, consolidate
  • memperhebat = intensify, exacerbate, increase, aggravate
  • memperluaskan = expand, extend, broaden, widen, increase, enlarge
  • memperuncing = exacerbate, aggravate, increase, intensify
  • memperbanyakkan = extend, propagate, multiply, increase, augment, enhance
  • mempertambah = replenish, increase, raise, supplement, add
  • membubungkan = raise, increase, inflate
  • membanyakkan = increase, augment, reproduce, multiply
  • memperhebatkan = increase, intensify, aggravate, exacerbate
  • memperlipat = increase, multiply, magnify
  • memperlipatkan = fold, increase, multiply, magnify
  • memperlipatgandakan = increase, multiply, magnify
  • mempergandakan = augment, increase, multiply, double
  • memperkalikan = multiply, increase, augment
  • memperamat = increase, intensify, heighten, aggrandize, devote oneself to
  • memperamatkan = aggrandize, increase, intensify, heighten, devote oneself to
  • membanyak = increase
  • memperganda-gandakan = increase, augment
  • memperamat-amatkan = increase, intensify, heighten, aggrandize, devote oneself to
  • berbesar-besar = increase

  • kenaikan = increase, rise, hike, rising, increment, raise
  • penambahan = increase, replenishment, rise, interpolation, augment, stride
  • pertambahan = increase, accretion, bulge
  • pembesaran = enlargement, magnification, dilation, increase, aggrandizement, dilatation
  • perbanyakan = multiplication, increase, augment
  • pasang naik = high tide, flood, high water, sea, increase
  • memperlipatgandakannya = increase, multiplication

13. For the reason = Untuk alasan

14. Ensure = memastikan


  • make certain that (something) shall occur or be the case.


  • memastikan = ensure, make sure, confirm, assure, insure, ascertain
  • menjamin = ensure, guarantee, warrant, secure, insure, vouch
  • menentukan = determine, specify, decide, set, establish, ensure
  • mengasuransikan = insure, ensure, assure
  • mempertanggungkan = guarantee, guaranty, secure, ensure, bond, underwrite
15. Establish = mendirikan
  • set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis.
  • achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for.
  • show (something) to be true or certain by determining the facts.
  • ensure that one's remaining cards in (a suit) will be winners (if not trumped) by playing off the high cards in that suit.
  • mendirikan = set up, establish, build, found, erect, put up
  • menetapkan = set, establish, assign, stipulate, define, specify
  • membentuk = form, establish, shape, mold, fashion, institute
  • membuat = make, create, build, establish, produce, cause
  • menentukan = determine, specify, decide, set, establish, assign
  • menegakkan = uphold, establish, maintain, erect, hold up, right
  • menyusun = arrange, compile, set, draw up, compose, make up
  • membuktikan = prove, attest, demonstrate, verify, establish, testify
  • mengadakan = hold, conduct, make, organize, establish, arrange
  • menempatkan = put, place, locate, position, situate, assign
  • memperlihatkan = show, exhibit, reveal, display, disclose, produce
  • memperdirikan = build, construct, set up, establish, place upright, found
  • mempertetap = strengthen, stabilize, determine, define, establish, introduce
  • mempertetapkan = strengthen, stabilize, determine, define, establish, introduce
  • memegang kedudukan = establish
  • memperjanjikan = foretell, betoken, portend, pledge, herald, promise

16. According to = berdasarkan


  • menurut = according to, by, in, under, in accordance with, after
  • mengikut = by, after, according to, in, in pursuance of, under
  • sesuai dgn = in accordance with, according to, in accord with, in concert with, in line with, in consonance with

17. Occurrence = Kejadian


  • kejadian = incident, event, occurrence, case, happening, occasion
  • peristiwa =  event, incident, occasion, affair, occurrence, episode

18. Explain = Menjelaskan

19. Relate = Mengaitkan


  • menghubungkan = connect, link, hook, relate, hook up, associate
  • menceritakan = tell, recount, narrate, relate, recite, depict
  • berkenaan = relate, pertain, refer, have to do, treat
  • mengisahkan = narrate, relate
  • memaparkan = explain, flatten, relate
  • mempertalikan = attribute, unite, tie, link, impute, bind
  • berhubung dgn = intercommunicate, deal, come in contact with, communicate with, make contact with, regard

20. Step up = Naiklah


  • naik = ride, rise, increase, go up, take, step up
  • menaikkan = raise, increase, up, boost, elevate, step up
  • memperbesar = enlarge, increase, magnify, extend, enhance, step up
  • meningkat-tinggikan = step up

21. Pledge = Sumpah


  • janji = promise, appointment, pledge, word, commitment, vow
  • ikrar = pledge, vow, promise
  • andalan = mainstay, pledge, security
  • penjaminan = guarantee, guaranty, pledge
  • cagar = preserve, pledge, advance payment
  • gadaian = hock, pledge, pawn, fiduciary, security, caution money


  • berjanji = promise, pledge, plight, make a promise, troth
  • menjanjikan = promise, pledge, make a promise
  • mencagarkan = pawn, pledge
  • memperjanjikan = foretell, betoken, portend, pledge, herald, promise
  • minum untuk kesehatan = pledge

22. In order to = Untuk


  • agar = that, so, so that, in order to, so as, in order that
  • guna = in order to
  • supaya = so, so that, that, in order to, so as, in order that
  • agar supaya = in order to, so that, in order that, so, that, so as
  • buat = in order to, in order that

23. Receive = Menerima


  • menerima = receive, accept, take, get, admit, take in
  • mendapatkan = get, obtain, gain, have, find, receive
  • mendapat = get, have, receive, obtain, gain, find
  • menyambut = welcome, greet, receive, accept, hail, reply
  • beroleh = receive, obtain, get
  • mendapati = find, have, get, make, receive, obtain
  • siap menerima = receive
  • menjamu =  entertain, receive, fete, regale, stand, guest
  • memapak =  welcome, meet, receive
  • mengizinkan masuk =  admit, receive
  • menjawat =  receive, hold an office, hold hand

24. Vow = Sumpah


  • bersumpah = swear, vow, make an oath, asseverate
  • mengangkat sumpah = make an oath, vow


  • sumpah = oath, swear, vow, curse, asseveration, imprecation
  • kaul = vow
  • janji = promise, appointment, pledge, word, commitment, vow
  • nazar = vow, eagle
  • ikrar = pledge, vow, promise

25. Change = Mengubah

26. Step down = Mengundurkan diri


  • mengundurkan diri = resign, step down, retire, bow out, draw back, pull out
  • turun = down, fall, go down, drop, get off, step down
  • mengurangi = decrease, cut, mitigate, lessen, alleviate, step down
  • meletakkan jabatan = resign, step down

27. Devour  = Melahap

  • Verba
  • melahap = devour, gobble, scoff, be gluttonous
  • menelan = swallow, ingest, engulf, devour, swallow up, require
  • mengganyang = devour, suppress, smash, eliminate, wipe out
  • menggasak = thrash, steal, tackle, devour, thresh, rub hard

28. Trigger = Pemicu


  • pelatuk = trigger, woodpecker
  • picu = trigger, cock


  • mencetuskan = trigger, spark, cause, touch off, strike fire, stir
  • menggerakkan = drive, stir, propel, power, motivate, activate

29. Rescue = Menyelamatkan


  • menyelamatkan = save, rescue, salvage, deliver, spare, redeem
  • melepaskan = release, let go, let, remove, disconnect, detach
  • menolong = help, assist, rescue, aid, help out, succor
  • membebaskan = free, release, liberate, relieve, deliver, rid


  • penyelamatan = rescue, saving, redemption, deliverance
  • pertolongan = help, aid, relief, rescue, assistance, ministration

30. Stumble = Tersandung

31. Glitch = Kesalahan

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