Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Film Dr.Strange


Here are some Sentences and vocabularies from Dr. Stranger Script

1. Challenge round = Putaran tantangan

Doctor Strange: Challenge round, Billy.

2. messing = main-main

Doctor Strange: Oh, come on, Billy. You’ve got to be messing with me.

3. charted = dipetakan, direncanakan

Doctor Strange: No, Billy, while Feels So Good may have charted in 1978, the album was released in December, 1977.

4. Feels so good = terasa sangat enak

Doctor Strange: Feels So Good, Chuck Mangione, 1977. Seriously, Billy, you said this one would be hard.

5.bit = sedikit

Stephen: I’ve got this, Stephen. You’ve done your bit. Go ahead, we’ll close up.

5. stem = tangkai; membendung, menghentikan, timbul, berasal dari

Doctor Strange: It’s amazing you kept him alive. Apneic, further brain stem testing after reflex test… I think I found the problem, Dr. Palmer. You left a bullet in his head.

6. impinging = menimpa

Christine Palmer: Thanks. It’s impinging on the medulla. I needed a specialist to diagnose brain death. Something about that doesn’t feel right to me.

7. have to = harus

Doctor Strange: We have to run.

7. prepped  = siap

Doctor Strange: Prematurely. We need to get him prepped for a suboccipital craniotomy.

8. alloying = perpaduan

Doctor Strange: A perfect bullet. It’s been hardened. You harden a bullet by alloying lead with antimony. A toxic metal. And it's leaking directly into the cerebral spinal fluid.

9. assist = membantu

Dr. West: I’ll assist you.

10. freehand.= tangan bebas

Christine Palmer: You can’t do it freehand.

10. intact = utuh

Doctor Strange: How about 10 minutes ago, when you called the wrong time of death? [Selects a pair of bent scissors and inspects the patient's brain on a screen.] Cranial nerves intact. [He artfully reaches into the brian with the thin scissors. There is a loud ticking noise coming from Dr. west's watch. He doesn't look away from the patient.] Dr. West, cover your watch.

11. the billet = jabatan, pekerjaan

[Dr. West slides a hand over his expensive watch. Back to Stephen Strange, who is delicately performing the surgery's. His steady hand reaches in, and the scissors clasp around the billet. He slowly draws out th scissors and opens them, dropping the all blue bullet into a tray. It's out. Cheers fill the room.]

12.humiliate = mempermalukan

Christine Palmer: You know, you didn’t have to humiliate him in front of everyone.

13.walk down = menyusuri

Doctor Palmer and Doctor Strange walk down the hospital hallway, talking to each other.

14. great = bagus, hebat

Christine Palmer: Nick is a great doctor.

12. fusing = memadukan, melebur

Doctor Strange: Look, I’m fusing transected spinal cords. I'm stimulating neurogenesis in the central nervous system. The work I'm doing is gonna save thousands for years to come. In ER, you get to save one drunk idiot with a gun.

13. implicit = termasuk (terkandung) di dalamnya (meskipun tidak dinyatakan secara jelas atau terang-terangan); tersimpul di dalamnya; terkandung halus; tersirat

14. disgust = menjijikan

Sleeping together. Sorry, I thought that was implicit in my disgust.

15. named after = dinamai

16. invented = menemukan

17. somehow = bagaimanapun

Doctor Strange: Oh, good! I’m glad something is named after me. You know, I invented a laminectomy procedure, and yet, somehow, no one seems to want to call it the Strange technique.

 15. flattered = tersanjung

Doctor Strange: You know, I gotta say, I’m very flattered by your policy. Look, I’m talking tonight at a Neurological Society dinner. Come with me.

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