Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Editorial Surat Kabar: Ensuring emergency health care


EDITORIAL: Ensuring emergency health care

Several sentences and vocabularies from the article:

1. in need = sedang membutuhkan;

2. recently = baru-baru ini; at a recent time; not long ago.

3locate = menemukan; discover the exact place or position of.

A four-month-old baby in need of emergency care died recently while the management of a West Jakarta hospital reportedly tried to locate hospitals partnering with the universal health coverage, or JKN program.

4under way = sedang berjalan

5regardless = tanpa memperhatikan; without paying attention to the present situation; despite the prevailing circumstances.

Investigations are under way into the death of Tiara Deborah, as by law hospitals must treat emergency cases regardless of whether patients are covered by the JKN or can pay the necessary medical-fee deposit. 

6. elsewhere = ditempat lain; in, at, or to some other place or other places.

7beforehand = sebelumnya; before an action or event; in advance.

The patient, who had reportedly been treated elsewhere beforehand, had arrived in an unconscious state, its statement said. 

8. Meanwhile = sementara itu; in the intervening period of time.

9particularly = khususnya; so as to give special emphasis to a point; specifically.

10severely ill = sakit parah

Meanwhile even as many have benefitted from the JKN, where the monthly premiums range from a mere Rp 25,500 to Rp 80,000, complaints including long waits leading to higher health risks particularly for poor and severely ill patients have persisted. 

11. entitled = berhak; give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.

The patient was entitled to universal coverage but her insurance had expired, reports quoting the hospital said.

12. However = namun

13. wonder aloud = bertanya-tanya

However, patients often wonder aloud how hospital managements immediately seem to find space when they say they will pay for themselves. 

14. plague = menggangu; cause continual trouble or distress to.

15. while = ketika; a period of time.

Many problems still plague the JKN; while it remains in the red covering 170 million citizens, it must rush to reach the target of covering all 250 million Indonesians by 2019.

16. no recourse = tidak ada jalan lain

17. render = memberikan; provide or give (a service, help, etc.).

At least in emergency cases patients have no recourse but to trust care givers and hospital managements to render life-saving assistance.

Demikian, Semoga dapat bermanfaat..

Source: The Jakarta Post

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