Below are some sentences and vocabularies from the article
1. Presley Brown said the intruder emerged from her walk-in wardrobe and said: "Don't be scared, little girl."
the intruder penyusup
- pengacau = troublemaker, intruder, insurgent, disturber, incendiary, rioter
- orang yg menyelundup = intruder
- orang yg suka turut campur = intruder
2. "Her screams alerted her father"
alerted diperingatkan
- waspada = alert, wary, vigilant, watchful, cautious, wide-awake
- selalu siap = alert
- tajam perhatian = alert
- gancang = spry, quick, alert
- pantas = appropriate, worthy, proper, reasonable, suitable, alert
- siap-siaga = alert
- tanda = sign, mark, signal, alert, token, indication
- sinyal = signal, alert, cue, warning
- keadaan berjaga-jaga = alert
- menyiagakan = alert
- mewaspadakan = alert
- menyuruh bersiap-siap = alert
2. who tackled the man before he fled with $100 of her birthday money.
tackled = menangani, menyelesaikan
- menyelesaikan = complete, finish, resolve, solve, settle, tackle
- memecahkan = solve, break, resolve, crack, decipher, tackle
- mengerjakan = do, work, perform, undertake, carry out, tackle
- melakukan = do, perform, make, carry out, undertake, tackle
- menggasak = thrash, steal, tackle, devour, thresh, rub hard
- menangkap = catch, capture, arrest, seize, pick up, tackle
- memegang = hold, take, keep, have, handle, tackle
- mentackle = tackle
- menangkapi = arrest, capture, catch, detain, seize, tackle
- alat = tool, equipment, device, means, instrument, tackle
- takal = pulley block, tackle
- katrol = pulley, tackle, pulley block, block and tackle
- alat memancing = tackle
- perkakas = tool, utensil, gear, appliance, gadget, tackle
3. Police caught up with the suspect, 26-year-old Race Cox, who was wanted on at least one felony warrant.
- felony kejahatan besar
- penjahat = criminal, villain, crook, gangster, felon, hoodlum
- narapidana = convict, felon, criminal, convicted criminal
- orang jahat = goon, ragamuffin, viper, blackguard, hoodlum, felon
- bangsat = brock, rogue, rascal, rotter, beast, felon
4. Police caught up with the suspect, 26-year-old Race Cox, who was wanted on at least one felony warrant.
warrant = menjamin
- menjamin = ensure, guarantee, warrant, secure, insure, vouch
- membenarkan = justify, confirm, condone, correct, warrant, substantiate
- memerlukan = need, require, take, entail, necessitate, warrant
- menanggung = bear, endure, assume, underwrite, shoulder, warrant
- memberi hak = authorize, capacitate, charter, warrant, concede, seat
- surat perintah = warrant, writ, summons
- jaminan = guarantee, assurance, security, warranty, collateral, warrant
- surat tuntutan = warrant, summons, writ
- bukti = evidence, proof, testimony, token, witness, warrant
- saman = summons, warrant
- garansi = guarantee, guaranty, warrant
- hak = right, title, heel, claim, franchise, warrant
- jaminan = guarantee, assurance, security, warranty, collateral, insurance
- pembenaran = justification, confirmation, correction, corroboration, endorsement, warranty
- boreh = cream, security, guarantee, warranty, guarantor
5. The girl's mother, Monica Brown, said: "He could have put his hand over her mouth"
put over = menaruh
- berhasil = succeed, manage, be successful, work out, thrive, put over
- berhasil menipu = put over
- menyebarkan = spread, deploy, disseminate, distribute, propagate, put over