Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Lagu: "Heal The World"


"Heal The World"


1. Think =

Think about um, the generations


  1. berpikir = think
  2. pikir = think, feel, opine
  3. memikirkan = think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, devise
  4. kira = think, guess, suspect, imagine, feel, figure
  5. rasa = think, consider
  6. menganggap = assume, think, regard, take, presume, believe
  7. mengira = think, suppose, expect, assume, guess, presume
  8. menyangka = think, expect, suppose, suspect, assume, presume
  9. membayangkan = imagine, think, visualize, envisage, conceive, figure
  10. menduga = guess, expect, think, suppose, surmise, presume
  11. mengingat = remember, think, keep in mind, bear in mind, take into account, reckon
  12. merenung = think, brood, brood over, muse, daydream
  13. merasakan = feel, taste, sense, experience, find, think
  14. memikir = think, consider, speculate, ponder, devise, meditate
  15. berniat = intend, think, propose, reckon
  16. bermaksud = intend, mean, aim, purpose, plan, propose
  17. mengingatkan = remind, warn, bring to mind, admonish, think, impress
  18. memikiri = think, worry, be aware
  19. memperasakan = feel, sense, think, consider, let feel
  20. bersangka = suspect, mean, think
  21. memikir-mikir = think, reason, puzzle


  1. pendapat = opinion, think, idea, notion, point, contention
  2. pikiran = mind, thought, idea, think, head, notion
  3. pertimbangan = consideration, judgment, deliberation, reasoning, appeal, think
  4. renungan = afterthought, reflection, meditation, muse, musing, speculation

2. generations =

Think about um, the generations


  1. generasi = generation
  2. pembangkitan = generation, evocation
  3. angkatan = force, generation, lift, service, heave
  4. keturunan = descent, offspring, descendant, ancestry, heredity, generation
  5. bangkitan = generation, attack, production
  6. turunan = derivative, descendant, generation, transcription, inheritance, copy

3. better  =

  1.  say we want to make it a better place for our children


  1. lebih baik = better, preferable


  1. memperbaiki = improve, fix, repair, correct, rectify, better
  2. melebihi = exceed, surpass, outpace, outstrip, transcend, better
  3. mempertajam = sharpen, improve, exacerbate, increase, better, set


  1. lebih sehat = healthier

4. really =

And if you really try

You'll find there's no need to cry


  1. sangat = very, highly, extremely, really, greatly, exceptionally
  2. sebenarnya = actually, real, in fact, really, exactly, virtually
  3. sungguh = really, indeed, quite, actually, remarkably, sure
  4. sesungguhnya = real, actually, really, indeed, in fact, truly
  5. betul = really, very, quite, absolutely, in earnest, aright
  6. nian = really, very
  7. benar-benar = truly, actually, too, indeed, throughly, really
  8. sungguh-sungguh = earnestly, seriously, heartily, emphatically, gravely, really
  9. betul-betul = truly, sincerely, earnestly, verily, plumb, really

5. hurt =

In this place you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow


  1. menyakiti = hurt, harm, rack, harrow, smart
  2. sakit = hurt, ache, be ill, ail, be laid up, smart
  3. melukai = hurt, injure, harm, wound, cut, traumatize
  4. merugikan = harm, hurt, prejudice, do harm, injure, steer
  5. melukai hati = hurt, offend, gall, nettle, pique, wrong
  6. mempersakiti = hurt, inflict suffering
  7. melukakan = injure, hurt


  1. terluka = injured, hurt


  1. luka = wound, injury, cut, hurt, sore, lesion

6. entire =

For you and for me, and the entire human race


  1. seluruh = whole, entire, livelong
  2. segenap = all, entire
  3. segala = all, entire

7. dread =

Fear of dread, we stop existing and start living


  1. ketakutan = fear, scare, fright, dread, horror, alarm
  2. rasa takut = fear, dread, the jitters
  3. kengerian = horror, terror, dread, shits, fright, eeriness


  1. takut pd = dread

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