Essential Vocabulary for Learning English


Essential Vocabulary for Learning English

1. accident n.

An accident is an unexpected undesirable event.

Example: She had to go to the hospital after she was in a serious car accident.

2. admiral  n.

An admiral is someone who controls many military ships.

Example: They won the sea battle because of the admiral’s great leadership.

3. Arc  n.

An arc is a curved shape.

Example:  A rainbow has the shape of an arc.

4. character  n.

Your character is your personality.

Example:  My sister’s character is fun and very outgoing.

5. conscience  n.

Your conscience is your inner sense of what is right and wrong.

Example:  I recycle everything I can, so my conscience is clear!

6. fiery  adj.

If something is fiery, it is burning strongly.

Example:  The fiery blaze burned all night long.

7. flesh  n.

Flesh is the skin, muscle and fat on your body.

Example:  The zebra’s flesh has black and white stripes.

8. grapefruit  n.

A grapefruit is a fruit similar to an orange, but bigger and not as sweet.

Example:  Would you like a grapefruit with your breakfast?

9. hay  n.

Hay is dry grass used to feed animals or used as a covering.

Example:  I need to buy some more hay for the horse to sleep on.

10. horrified  adj.

If you are horrified, you are very shocked and feel upset.

Example:  I was horrified when I read about the old lady who was attacked.

11. kerosene  n.

Kerosene is a type of oil. It is used in some lamps and stoves.

Example:  Many people in poor countries cook on kerosene stoves.

12. loop  n.

A loop is a line made into the shape of a circle.

Example:  He made a loop with the rope and placed it over the post.

13.  paddle  n.

A paddle is a piece of wood or plastic that moves a boat across water.

Example:  We need a paddle to help us move across the water.

14. raft  n.

A raft is a floating platform made from pieces of wood tied together.

Example:  The man made a raft out of bamboo and floated out to sea.

15. sour  adj.

When something is sour, it has a sharp and unpleasant taste.

Example:  I don’t like lemons because I think they are too sour.

16. stake  n.

A stake is a small, sharp piece of wood or metal that is put into the ground.

Example:  We marked our property by placing stakes into the ground.

17. steward  n.

A steward is a person like a waiter who serves food on planes and ships.

Example:  The steward is bringing some tea.

18. string  n.

String is a thin piece of fabric or rope.

Example:  I found a large ball of string.

19. thorn  n.

A thorn is a sharp part of a plant.

Example:  Be careful of the thorns when you pick the roses!

20 wreck  v.

To wreck something means to destroy or ruin it.

Example:  The teenagers wrecked the house for no reason at all.

21. idiot  n.

An idiot is a person who is not smart or who has done something silly.

Example: Because he got lost in the forest, the man felt like an idiot.

22. immense adj.

If something is immense, it is very large.

Example: An immense amount of money was needed to buy such a large boat.

23. indirect adj.

If something is indirect, then it is not the easiest or straightest way.

Example: He chose to take the most indirect route to the coast.

24. option  n.

An option is a choice between two or more things.

Example: The children were given the option of three houses to pick from.

25. pastime  n.

A pastime is an activity done for fun that you do often.

Example: In the US, baseball is considered the national pastime.

26. perfect  adj.

If something is perfect, then it is without any mistakes.

Example: She got all the questions right, so her score was perfect.

27. pinpoint  v.

To pinpoint something means to locate it exactly.

Example:  The navigation system in my car is able to pinpoint my exact location.

28. switch  v.

To switch means to change something to something else.

Example: Mom switched the TV station from the news to her favorite show.

29. thorough  adj.

If something or someone is thorough, then they are complete in everyway.

Example: Tina did a thorough job of cleaning the stains out of the carpet.

30. torment v.

To torment someone means to cause them to suffer on purpose.

Example: She tormented her little brother by taking his favorite toy.

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