Vocabulary for Learning English


Vocabulary for Learning English

1. a r o m a 

An aroma is a scent or smell.

Example: I love the aroma of coffee in the morning.

2. beverage 

A beverage is a drink.

Example: The waiter brought our beverages first. Then he brought our food.

3. cluster 

A cluster of things is a small group of them placed close together.

Example:She held a large cluster of grapes in her hand.

4. combine 

To combine is to join together to make a single thing or group.

Example: Mina combined peanut butter and jelly to make a sandwich.

5. condensed 

When a liquid is condensed, it is made thicker.

Example: One way to make a dessert thick and sweet is to use condensed milk.

6. contemporary 

When something is contemporary, it is related to the present time.

Example: Contemporary scientists have learned quite a bit about DNA.

7. cultivate 

To cultivate plants is to care for them and help them grow.

Example: A research company is cultivating new kinds of rice to aid poor countries.

8. divine 

When something is divine, it is related to gods.

Example: Legends say that music was given to men as a divine gift from the gods.

9. humid 

When it is humid, there is a lot of water in the air.

Example: It is very humid inside of a sauna.

10. odor

An odor is a very distinct smell.

Example: He knew there was a leak when he noticed the strong odor of natural gas.

11. palate 

The palate is the top part of the mouth.

Example: You can touch your palate with your tongue.

12. paradise 

Paradise is the place or condition of happiness where things are perfect.

Example: My vacation in Hawaii was like being in paradise.

13. plantation 

A plantation is a big farm that only grows certain kinds of crops.In the 1800s, there were many

Example: cotton plantations in the southern US.

14. rapid

When something is rapid, it moves or changes very quickly.

Example:  His mother was surprised by her son’s rapid growth.

15. rate 

A rate is the speed at which something happens.

Example:  Grass tends to grow at a very slow rate.

16. soothing 

When something is soothing, it makes you calm or relaxed.

Example:  The soothing music helped the baby fall asleep.

17. subtle 

When something is subtle, it is not easy to see or notice.

Example:  The handsome man has a subtle smile.

18. texture 

The texture of something is the way its surface looks and feels.

The texture of a rock found in the water is typically very smooth.

19. toxic 

When something is toxic, it is poisonous. Toxic things are very dangerous.

Example: Please check the label to see if the product is toxic.

20. vary [veari] v.

To vary means to be different from another thing in size or amount.

Example:  The heights of the people in my class vary by a large amount.

21. admonish 

To admonish someone is to tell them you disapprove of their behavior.

Example: The teacher admonished Mark because he was chewing gum in class.

22. audible 

If something is audible, then it is able to be heard.

Example: The sound of the drums was audible from miles away.

23. awesome 

If something or someone is awesome, they are impressive or frightening.

Example: The huge military plane was an awesome sight.

24. beware 

To beware means to be careful of something or someone that is dangerous.

Example: You should beware of driving fast on wet roads.

25. brag

To brag means to talk of one’s abilities or achievements in a proud way.

Example: He had strong muscles and bragged about it to the entire class.

26. conscious

If someone is conscious of something, then they are aware of it.

Example:  The new student was conscious of the other students staring at her.

27. disagree 

To disagree with someone means to have a different opinion from them.

Example: The lawyers disagreed about the best way to settle the case.

28. echo 

To echo means that a sound repeats itself because it bounced off an object.

Example: The child yelled over the canyon, and the wall echoed the sound.

29. eventual 

If something is eventual, it will happen at the end of a series of events.

Example: The constant training and planning led the team to an eventual victory.

30 hint 

A hint is information that suggests something will happen or is true.

Example: I quietly passed on a hint to my sister about the test.

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