Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 13


Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 13

1. 'I shall surprise you very much, I have no doubt,' said Rose, naturally embarrassed; 'but you once showed great benevolence and goodness to a very dear young friend of mine, and I am sure you will take an interest in hearing of him again.'

  • benevolence = kebajikan, kemurahan hati

2. 'They're a good two mile off, at least,' said the woman despondingly.

  • despondingly = dengan putus asa

3. 'How should I know?' replied Noah, whose temper had been considerably impaired by walking.

  • considerably = sangat
  • impaired = terganggu

4. 'No, I don't!' retorted Fagin. 'I'm of the same importance to you, as you are to yourself.'

  • retorted = balas, sebagai balasan

5. These arrangements completed, he was informed of the necessary signs and tokens by which to recognise the Artful Dodger, and was conveyed by Master Bates through dark and winding ways to within a very short distance of Bow Street

  • tokens = token, tanda, bukti
  • conveyed = disampaikan
  • winding = berliku


  • REDEEM = menukarkan, menebus, membebaskan

7. But, these were the mere wanderings of a mind unwholly to detach itself from old companions and associations, though enabled to fix itself steadily on one object, and resolved not to be turned aside by any consideration.

  • wanderings = mengembara 
  • unwholly = tidak sehat 
  • detach = lepas 
  • steadily = mantap 
  • resolved = terselesaikan 

8. 'Worse,' said Fagin thoughtfully. 'I never knew her like this, for such a little cause.'

  • thoughtfully = bijaksana, serius

9. It was nearly two hours before day-break; that time which in the autumn of the year, may be truly called the dead of night; when the streets are silent and deserted

  • deserted = sepi, sunyi

10. He crept upstairs to the door, and presently returned accompanied by a man muffled to the chin, who carried a bundle under one arm.

  • crept = merayap 
  • muffled = teredam 
  • chin = dagu 
  • bundle = bundel 

11. But he did not take his eyes off the robber, for an instant, during this action; and now that they sat over against each other, face to face, he looked fixedly at him, with his lips quivering so violently, and his face so altered by the emotions which had mastered him, that the housebreaker involuntarily drew back his chair, and surveyed him with a look of real affright.

  • fixedly = tetap 
  • quivering = bergetar 
  • involuntarily  = tanpa sengaja 

12. 'Oh, you haven't, haven't you?' said Sikes, looking sternly at him, and ostentatiously passing a pistol into a more convenient pocket. 'That's lucky--for one of us. Which one that is, don't matter.

  • sternly = tegas 
  • ostentatiously = mencolok 
  • convenient = nyaman

13. Sikes looked with an aspect of great perplexity into the Jew's face, and reading no satisfactory explanation of the riddle there, clenched his coat collar in his huge hand and shook him soundly.

  • perplexity = kebingungan
  • clenched = terkepal

14. 'Again. Tell it again!' cried Fagin, tightening his grasp on Sikes, and brandishing his other hand aloft, as the foam flew from his lips.

  • tightening = pengetatan 
  • brandishing = mengacungkan 
  • aloft =tinggi 

15. 'I mean,' said Fagin, showing that he felt all disguise was now useless, 'not too violent for safety. Be crafty, Bill, and not too bold.

  • mean = 
  1. berarti: mean, imply, matter, signify, count, spell
  2. bermaksud: intend, mean, aim, purpose, plan, propose
  3. memaksudkan: mean, refer, intend, understand
  4. menandakan: indicate, signify, denote, mean, tick, designate
  5. memperuntukkan: consign, earmark, allocate, intend, mean, apply
  6. menujukan: address, direct, bring to bear, vector, point, mean
  7. mentakdirkan: predetermine, destine, predestine, ordain, fate, mean
  8. bersangka: suspect, mean, think
  1. rata:mean
  2. titik pertengahan: mean
  1. jahat: evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, mean
  2. sedang: medium, moderate, average, temperate, modest, mean
  3. hina: despicable, abject, contemptible, lowly, humble, mean
  4. licik: cunning, sly, crafty, scheming, shifty, mean
  5. rendah: low, poor, lowly, humble, modest, mean
  6. keji: vile, nasty, vicious, despicable, wicked, mean
  7. kikir: miserly, stingy, griping, parsimonious, mean, niggardly
  8. sakit: sick, ill, sore, diseased, ailing, mean
  9. nakal: naughty, mischievous, wanton, delinquent, wicked, mean
  10. kotor: dirty, filthy, gross, grubby, soiled, mean
  11. lekas marah: irritable, crotchety, irascible, cranky, petulant, mean
  12. dengki: malicious, envious, jealous, mean, sulphurous, venomous
  13. pemberang: shrewish, waspish, mean, bad-tempered, hot-tempered, hair-trigger
  14. hebat: great, superb, fabulous, terrific, wonderful, mean
  15. buruk: bad, poor, shabby, ill, nasty, mean
  16. rata-rata: mean, featureless, average, median
  17. sedang-sedang: average, moderate, medium, measurable, middling, mean
  • disguise = menyamar 
  • violent = kekerasan 
  • crafty = licik 

16. The man struggled violently, to release his arms; but those of the girl were clasped round his, and tear her as he would, he could not tear them away.

  • clasped = tergenggam

17. She staggered and fell: nearly blinded with the blood that rained down from a deep gash in her forehead

  • staggered = terhuyung-huyung
  • blinded = buta
  • gash  = luka

18. Of all bad deeds that, under cover of the darkness, had been committed with wide London's bounds since night hung over it, that was the worst. Of all the horrors that rose with an ill scent upon the morning air, that was the foulest and most cruel

  • deeds = perbuatan
  • scent = aroma
  • foulest = paling busuk

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