Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 14


Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 14

1. He acted upon this impluse without delay, and choosing the least frequented roads began his journey back, resolved to lie concealed within a short distance of the metropolis, and, entering it at dusk by a circuitous route, to proceed straight to that part of it which he had fixed on for his destination.

impluse = keinginan mendadak

resolve = memutuskan

  • menyelesaikan = complete, finish, resolve, solve, settle, accomplish
  • memecahkan = solve, break, resolve, crack, decipher, tackle
  • memutuskan = decide, break, disconnect, determine, sever, resolve
  • memisahkan = separate, split, divide, segregate, isolate, resolve
  • menjelaskan = explain, clarify, account, define, elucidate, resolve
  • berubah = change, turn, vary, shift, resolve, become different
  • membagi = divide, split, share, distribute, cut, resolve
  • Noun
  • ketetapan = provision, determination, resolve, decision, permanence, resolution
  • ketetapan hati = determination, resolve, resolution, resoluteness, earnestness
  • resolusi = resolution, resolve, prescript, prescription
  • keputusan = decision, judgment, ruling, resolution, conclusion, resolve
  • keteguhan hati = courage, resolve, resoluteness, resolution

concealed = rahasia


  • sembunyi = secret, stealthy, concealed, furtive
  • yg bersembunyi = perdu, concealed, in hiding, secret, sheltered, undercover
  • yg dirahasiakan = concealed, back-door
metropolis = 


  • metropolis = metropolis
  • kota besar = city, metropolis
  • ibu kota = capital, capital city, town, metropolis
  • kota terpenting = metropolis
  • pusat kebudayaan dan perekonomian = metropolis
circuitous = berputar-putar


  • tdk langsung = roundabout, circumstantial, circuitous, indirect, oblique
  • yg memutar = circuitous
  • yg berbelit = serpentine, tortuous, convoluted, involved, intricate, circuitous
  • yg berputar-putar = circuitous
  • yg berbelit-belit = serpentine, tortuous, convoluted, involved, intricate, circuitous

2. Whether his instinct apprehended something of their purpose, or the robber's sidelong look at him was sterner than ordinary, he skulked a little farther in the rear than usual, and cowered as he came more slowly along

  • apprehended = ditangkap 
  • sidelong = samping 
  • skulked = terkutuk 
  • rear = belakang 
  • cowered = meringkuk 

3. 'No,' replied the woman; 'if he--she pointed to Monks--'has been coward enough to confess, as I see he had, and you have sounded all these hags till you have found the right ones, I have nothing more to say. I DID sell them, and they're where you'll never get them. What then?'

  • confess = mengaku
  • hags = tas

4. 'That is no excuse,' replied Mr. Brownlow. 'You were present on the occasion of the destruction of these trinkets, and indeed are the more guilty of the two, in the eye of the law; for the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction.

  • trinkets = pernak-pernik
  • acts under your directionbertindak dibawah arahan = 

5. She didn't quite rely, however, on their discontent and poverty for the child's unhappiness, but told the history of the sister's shame, with such alterations as suited her

  • rely = mengandalkan
  • discontent = ketidakpuasan
  • alterations = perubahan

6. That a sense of his deep disgrace so worked upon my own father that he shunned all--there, we have said enough, Harry, we have said enough.

  • disgrace = aib
  • shunned =dijauhi

7. 'Not yet, not yet,' said the young man, detaining her as she rose.

  • detaining = menahan

8. The court was paved, from floor to roof, with human faces. Inquisitive and eager eyes peered from every inch of space.

  • paved = beraspal
  • Inquisitive = ingin tahu
  • peered =mengintip

9. But in no one face--not even among the women, of whom there were many there--could he read the faintest sympathy with himself, or any feeling but one of all-absorbing interest that he should be 

  • condemned = dihukum 
  • faintest = paling lemah

10. It was not until the night of this last awful day, that a withering sense of his helpless, desperate state came in its full intensity upon his blighted soul

  • awful = mengerikan 
  • withering = layu 
  • desperate = putus asa 
  • blighted = rusak 

11. He cowered down upon his stone bed, and thought of the past. He had been wounded with some missiles from the crowd on the day of his capture, and his head was bandaged with a linen cloth.

  • cowered = meringkuk

12. There was an open grating above it, throught which came the sound of men's voices, mingled with the noise of hammering, and the throwing down of boards. There were putting up the scaffold.

  • grating = kisi 
  • mingled = bercampur 
  • hammering = palu 
  • scaffold = perancah

13. 'I am not afraid,' said Oliver in a low voice, as he relinquished Mr. Brownlow's hand.

  • relinquished = melepaskan

14. 'Oh! God forgive this wretched man!' cried the boy with a burst of tears.

  • wretched = celaka
  • burst = meledak

15. 'No other question,' replied Mr. Brownlow. If I hoped we could recall him to a sense of his position

  • recall = mengingat

16. Oliver nearly swooned after this frightful scene, and was so weak that for an hour or more, he had not the strength to walk

  • swooned = pingsan, jatuh pingsan

17. Before his removal, he had managed to contract a strong friendship for Mr. Grimwig, which that eccentric gentleman cordially reciprocated.

  • cordially = dengan ramah
  • reciprocated = timbal balik

18. Mr. and Mrs. Bumble, deprived of their situations, were gradually reduced to great indigence and misery, and finally became paupers in that very same workhouse in which they had once lorded it over others.

  • deprived = dirampas 
  • indigence = fakir 
  • paupers = orang miskin 
  • lorded = tuan

19. I would recall the tones of that clear laugh, and conjure up the sympathising tear that glistened in the soft blue eye.

  • conjure up = membayangkan
  • glistened = berkilau

20. I believe it none the less because that nook is in a Church, and she was weak and erring.

  • nook = sudut
  • erring = salah, berdosa

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