Preposition Beginning With A

Preposition Beginning With A

Preposition dalam Bahasa Indonesia adalah kata depan, yang biasanya menerangkan tentang orang atau benda. Preposition sangat penting dalam memahami dan mempelajar Bahasa Inggris.

Berikut adalah beberapa Preposition dalam bahasa Inggris yang berawalan huruf A

Prepositions beginning with A

One-word prepositions

aboard = naik kapal, dalam kendaraan

We went aboard the boat. 

Is there a doctor aboard the plane?

about = tentang, disekitar

What do you think about Mary? 

Let's talk about something different. 

I've just read a book about President Kennedy. 

The lion was pacing (mondar-mandir)  about its cage.

above = diatas, 

We are flying above the clouds. 

We live in the hills, 1,000 metres above sea-level. 

It's only two degrees above freezing point. [+2ºC] 

Who came above you in the test results?

across = seberang

We drove across the desert. 

The dog ran across the road. 

There is a bridge across the river. 

She lives in the house across the street. It's nearly opposite mine.

after (also conjunction) = setelah

We had lunch [1pm] after the meeting [11am]. 

Let's meet the day after tomorrow. 

against = melawan, berlawanan dengan

Did you vote for or against the suggestion? 

He put his bicycle against the wall.

along = sepanjang, 

We walked along the beach for two miles. 

There are trees along the road. 

The toilet is along the corridor. 

alongside = disisi, disamping

Their boat came alongside our boat. 

Team A worked alongside Team B during construction.

amid | amidst (poetic) = ditengah-tengah

I couldn't hear her amid the noise. 

We were lost amidst the trees. 

among | amongst (mainly British English) = diantara

Is there a doctor among us? 

There were secret police among the crowd. 

I was amongst strangers. I didn't know anyone.

anti = anti, kontra

He seems to be anti my idea. 

Some people are anti everything.

around = sekitar

We walked around the town for an hour. 

They all sat around the camp fire. 

There is a big fence around the house. 

He was born around 1570. 

Let's meet around 7pm. 

as (also conjunction) = sebagai, 

He is working as a waiter. 

The risk is as nothing compared to the profit. 

astride = naik 

She sat astride the horse. 

at = di, pada, dengan

He is at school. 

We first met at a party. 

Let's start the meeting at 9 o'clock. 

He started work at 17 (years of age). 

We are aiming at sales of $1,000,000. 

Complex prepositions

according to = berdasarkan, menurut

According to John, Mary was late. I believe John.

ahead of = didepan

Anthony is ahead of Rachel in the race. He'll win. 

We have a long day ahead of us. Let's get going!

à la (from French) = ala, menurut, secara

It's a TV show à la CNN. Same style, similar content.

along with = bersama

Do you want some rice along with the chicken?

apart from = selain dari

Nobody objected apart from you, so we did it.

as for = tentang, mengenai

As for Matt, he will arrive later. 

aside from = selain, terlepas dari 

I have another car aside from this one. Both are red.

as per = sesuai

We must work strictly as per the law. 

as to = tentang, mengenai

As to your behaviour, I think you were wrong.

as well as = dan juga

You should telephone as well as write, just to be sure.

away from = menjauh dari

The cat ran away from the dog and escaped.

Demikian, semoga dapat bermanfaat.
