Vocabulary English-English With G Part 2


Vocabulary English-English With G Part 2

Gorgeous (adjective)

marked by extraordinary elegance, beauty, and splendor

  • We went on a hike through the gorgeous mountains of Colorado.

Govern (verb)

to exercise the authority or influence over

  • With all the fear and oppression of a dictatorship, Hitler governed the people ruthlessly.

Gradient (noun)

deviation from a particular direction

  • If the neutron star is too large, the gravitational forces overwhelm the pressure gradients and collapse cannot be halted.

 Grading (noun)

certain degree in rank, degree, quality, proficiency

  • This light dispersion, or color flash, has no effect on the technical grading of color.

Gradual (adjective)

proceeding very slowly by degrees

  • It is tempting to think that if language evolved by gradual Darwinian natural selection, we must be able to find some precursor of it in our closest relatives, the chimpanzees.

Grasp the main  point (verb  phrase) to perceive and recognize the meaning of

  • When you think you have grasped the main point the whole essay goes to prove, underline it and write the thesis in the margin.

Gravitate toward (verb phrase) 

to have a tendency toward

  • Sociology majors who are interested in organizational theory gravitate toward organizational planning, development, and training.

Gravity (noun)

a force that attracts a body to the center of the earth or some other celestial body 

  • Whenever a plane is in flight, there are four forces acting on it: gravity, lift, drag, and thrust.

Graze (verb)

to make light and momentary contact with, as in passing

  • While at war, some soldiers experienced close combat in which bullets from enemy fire literally grazed by their heads.

Greatly (adverb) 

to a high degree

  • He nevertheless greatly admired black social gospel proponents such as his father who saw the church as a instrument for improving the lives of African Americans.

 Gregariousness (noun)

the act of associating with others of one’s kind

  • Meteorology and the gregariousness of the insect are two factors in the development of a desert locust plague.

Grid (noun)

network of lines, electrical power connections, gas supply lines

  • By 1900 small electric wind systems were developed to generate direct current, but most of these units fell out of favor when rural areas became attached to the national electricity grid during the 1930s.

Grim (adjective)

stern or forbidding in action or appearance; gloomy, somber

  • The statistics paint a grim picture. According to the World Resources Institute, more than 80 percent of the Earth’s natural forests already have been destroyed.

Groaning (adjective)

making a deep sound expressing pain, grief, disappoint

  • After the accident, there were groaning sounds, indicating that there was someone trapped underneath the vehicle.

Gross (adjective)

consisting of an overall total exclusive of deductions

  • Snow, in prepared comments for Money magazine's Money Summit in New York, said he sees annual gross domestic product growth near 3.5 percent by the latter part of 2009.

Groundbreaking (adjective)

characterized as being a new idea, method, or device: innovative

  • The project's centerpiece is groundbreaking computer software that is capable of automatically identifying vehicles by size, color, shape and license tag, or drivers and passengers by face.

Groundwork (noun)

anything on which something immaterial , such as an argument or charge, rests

  • Trying to escape overwhelming fear and pain by imagining you are somewhere else- or someone else-seems to lay the groundwork for separating off some parts of your identity.

 Groupie (noun)

diligent follower of music groups, celebrities, or activities

  • Authors Jones and Dewey are respectively touted as prominent west coast and east coast psychics. Not being your typical psychic groupie, it should come as no surprise that I have never heard of either one.

Grueling (adjective)

trying or taxing to the point of exhaustion

  • Sophie, then 36, was airlifted to hospital and undertook a grueling two and a half hour operation to end the potentially life threatening ectopic pregnancy, where the fetus grew outside her womb.

Gush (verb)

to emit a sudden enormous flow

  • Fuel gushed from a vandalized pipeline and exploded in southeastern Nigeria, killing at least 105 villagers as they scavenged gasoline.

Gut (noun)

the intestine, stomach organs of the body

  • Our gut can best be described as a very elaborate food "disassemble" plant.

Gutter (noun)

shallow trough along the eaves of the house; or a channel at the side of a street to drain off rainwater

  • Used aluminum beverage cans remain the most recycled item in the U.S., but other types of aluminum, such as siding, gutters, storm window frames and lawn furniture, can also be recycled.

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