Vocabulary English-English With G Part 1


Vocabulary English-English With G Part 1

Gadget (noun)

an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often thought of as a novelty

  • Online search engine Google introduced several new gadgets in its popular toolbar for Web browsers, hoping to build even greater brand loyalty amid heightened competition.

Gage, gauge (verb)

to judge how people feel about something or what they are likely to do

  • Officials hope to gauge the effects alcohol programs.

Galaxy (noun)

one of billions of systems, each including stars, nebulae, star clusters, globular clusters, and interstellar matter that make up the universe

  • Some prominent scientists believe that the evolution of the universe depended on a series of explosions and that the shockwaves from these explosions were essential in the formation of the galaxy.

 Gargantuan (adjective)

of extraordinary size and power

  • During the ice age, gargantuan glaciers formed that were so water-depleting that sea levels around the world fell by three hundred and fifty feet.

Garner (verb)

to collect something bit by bit

  • To garner support for the recall of the recently elected governor, the activists will have to get 900,000 signatures from registered voters.

Gaunt (noun)

having little flesh or fat on the body

  • The gaunt, philandering cowboy has become a stock character in Western movies.

Gaze (verb)

an act of directing the eyes on an object

  • After a long gaze into the student’s eyes, the professor decided to discipline the student for plagiarism.

Gelatinous (adjective)

resembling a glutinous material obtained from animal tissues by boiling; especially: a colloidal protein used as a food, in photography, and in medicine

  • Scientists named the new species of jellyfish granrojo, Spanish for "big red." It's a predator——a gelatinous blood-red cannonball between two and three feet (60 and 90 centimeters) across that floats through the deep ocean waters quietly devouring prey.

Gender (noun)

a grammatical correspondence to a classification of the two sexes

  • Employers value graduates who have a keen understanding of the impact of cultural, racial, and gender diversity in the workplace, and who comprehend the global nature of business and industry.

Gene (noun)

a unit of heredity composed of DNA or RNA and forming part of a chromosome that determines a particular characteristic of a person

  • The genetic basis is believed by researchers to be highly complex, probably involving several genes in combination.

 Generic (adjective)

relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class; being or having a nonproprietary name; having no particularly distinctive quality or application

  • Aventis said the FDA cannot make a ruling on the application before February 24, 2004, and that it would mount legal challenges to make generic versions of its Love ox drug.

Genre (noun)

a kind of style or art

  • His career spans nearly all types of popular music from jazz to rock to dance and all genres between.

Gentle (adjective) 

of small intensity

  • Jaggar called Kilauea "the safest volcano on Earth" because of its typically gentle activity.

Gesture (verb)

to make bodily motions to augment or replace spoken expression

  • She gestured her friend to come over to the counter at which point she served him a drink.

Get-go (noun)

the very beginning -- used in the phrase from the get-go

  • There have been biblical scholars questioning the authenticity of the so-called Jesus box from the get-go. Yesterday the Israel Antiquities Authority issued a report calling the box a fake.

Gizzard (noun)

a muscular organ which is part of a bird’s stomach

  • A bird can swallow its food hole because it has a gizzard, whose principal function is to break up the food into small particles for digestion.

Glacier (noun)

a mass of land ice formed by an accumulation of snow on high ground

  • Scientists collect ice cores by driving a hollow tube deep into the miles thick ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland (and in glaciers elsewhere).

 Glucose (noun)

a simple sugar found in blood, fruit, etc.

  • Glucose is a type of carbohydrate.

Glamorous (adjective)

full of an exciting and often illusory and romantic attractiveness; especially: alluring or fascinating personal attraction

  • The public regarded air travel as exciting and glamorous; the airlines worked hard to add safety, reliability, and comfort to the public perception.

Go into effect (verb phrase)

to put into action or use; to carry out the functions, requirements, or terms of something, especially laws or regulations

  • Nitrates didn't begin to climb significantly until after 1950, when cars and oil powered plants appeared in a big way. Scientists credit the leveling off in sulfates and nitrates in the atmosphere after the 1972 U.S. Clean Air Act went into effect.

Gorge (noun)

a narrow passage through land; a narrow steep-walled canyon or part of a canyon

  • Rich in geological and biological history, the Grand Canyon is a long, narrow gorge in Arizona.

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