Vocabulary English-English With L Part 1


Vocabulary English-English With L Part 1

Laden (adjective)

to load, to pile on, as burden or freight

  • For the next topic of our lecture today, the cost analysis of a proper prescribed burn and the cost of battling a blaze in the load fuel laden forests needs to be considered to see which method is more economically feasible given the tight budgetary constraints with which the government has to operate.

Lament (noun)

a crying out in grief; complaint

  • In a world where there is a common lament that there are no more heroes, too often cynicism and despair are perceived as evidence of the death of moral courage.

Land (verb)

gain, secure: land a job

  • Mary Blake arrived in San Francisco and landed work as a singer at the Paradise Hotel, a gambling hall owned by Blackie Norton.

Landing (noun)

to set or put on shore from a ship

  • The landings from the world's wild capture fisheries have continued to decline since reaching a peak of 112 million metric tons (mmt) in 1995.

Landslide (noun)

downward and outward movement of soil and rock

  • The big earthquake of 1906 set off dozens of large landslides in the Santa Cruz Mountains, some of which claimed human lives.

Larva (noun)

the immature, wingless, and often vermiform feeding form that hatches from the egg of many insects

  •  After mosquito eggs hatch, the larvae hang from the surface film and get air through tubes that break the water’s surface at the tail ends of their bodies.

Latchkey (adjective)

relating to a young child of working parents who must spend part of the day unsupervised as at home

  • Nearly 10.6 million children were being raised by full time stay at home moms last year, up 13 percent in a little less than a decade. Experts credit the economic boom, the cultural influence of America's growing Hispanic population and the entry into parenthood of a generation of latchkey kids.

Lateral (adjective)

of, at, toward, or from the side or sides

  • If done properly, the taping of the lateral ligament will immobilize the knee structure to prevent further injury.

Latitude (noun)

freedom of action or choice

  • Even though some jobs have defined salary ranges, hiring managers generally have some latitude to negotiate within that predetermined range based on a number of different factors.

Latter (adjective) 

after the first

  • In two further Italian journeys, he wrote two more operas for Milan, Ascanio in Alba (1771) and Lucio Silla (1772). In 1772, Archbishop von Schrattenbach died, to be succeeded by Hieronymus von Colloredo. The latter, at first sympathetic to the Mozart, later became irritated by Wolfgang's prolonged absences and stubborn ways.

Launch (verb)

to go about the initial step of doing something

  • Although several successful mining ventures were launched, much of the hype was bogus.

 Laureate (noun)

the recipient of honor or recognition for achievement in an art or science

  • The Inamori Foundation announced the laureates of its 19th Annual Kyoto Prizes, international awards presented to people who have contributed significantly to mankind's betterment in the categories of Advanced Technology, Basic Science, and Arts and Philosophy.

Laurel (noun) 

honor or distinction

  • After his triumphant victory, the military commander recovered his laurels.

Lava (noun)

matter flowing from a volcano that solidifies as it cools

  • Hawaii’s volcanoes are typically characterized by the relatively quiet outflow of very fluid lava and by sometimes spectacular lava fountains.

Leakage (noun)

action through which matter passes accidentally in or out of something

  • Leakage from swimming pools can be a sign of an unstable slope.

Lean (adjective)

having little flesh or fat on the body

  • Body Composition is the comparable amounts of fat and lean body tissue found in the body.

Leathery (adjective)

resembling or having the appearance of animal skins dressed for use such as for wallets, clothes, shoes, etc.

  • The wings of pterosaurs, which were somewhat similar to the wings of bats, were made of thin, leathery skin stretched across slender bones.

Legendary (adjective) 

famous, remarkable

  • Professor Jones’s History exams are legendary for failing students.

 Legislature (noun)

governmental body in a country which passes laws

  • The Vermont Supreme Court ordered its state legislature to come up with a system providing same-sex couples with traditional marriage benefits and protections.

Legume (noun)

the fruit or seed of leguminous plants (as peas or beans) used for food

  • Vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, unrefined cereals, olive oil, cheese and yogurt are eaten most days, as is fish.

Lexicographer (noun)

one who compiles dictionaries

  • Here’s a definition for the lexicographers — A region consisting of one or more historic central cities surrounded by cities and towns which have a shared identification, function as a single zone for trade, commerce and communication, and are characterized by social, economic and environmental interdependence.

Liaison (noun)

a sexual relationship prohibited by law

  • He had one daughter, Isabel, from his liaison with Ana de Villafranca.

Libration (noun)

an oscillation– a single swing as of an oscillating body–from one extreme limit to the other 

  • In the apparent aspect of a secondary body as a planet or a satellite as seen from the primary object around which it revolves libration in longitude enables observers on Earth to see one edge or the other of the far side of the moon.

Lightning (noun)

flash of bright light produced by an electrical discharge between clouds or between clouds and the ground

  • Currently the policy in parks such as Yellowstone is to allow natural fires started by lightning to continue.

Likelihood (noun)

very probable; strong or distinct possibility

  • Tucker and Crook used the Pennsylvania State University/NCAR mesoscale model to simulate convection (showers and thunderstorms) and to test how different modes of mountain convection affect the likelihood of mesoscale convective systems formation downstream.

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