Vocabulary English-English With L Part 2


Vocabulary English-English With L Part 2

Limbo (adjective)

a place or state of neglect or oblivion; an intermediate or transitional place or state; a state of uncertainty

  • Finding a community of people who understand what you're going through is an essential component of getting through what Case calls limbo land.

Limnologist (noun)

a scientist who studies life in fresh water

  • Limnologists recognize that the problems of life in running water and still water contrast.

Lineage (adjective)

a group of people sharing common ancestry

  • The advantage of lineage endogamy in Turkey is the imposition of a bride price lower than those in contracts involving more distant social bonds.

Linger on (verb)

to stop temporarily and remain, as if reluctant to leave

  • The effects of a cold can linger on for as long as three weeks.

Link (verb)

to unite or be united in a relationship

  • There are also mixed results of studies linking bladder cancer and firefighting.

Literacy (noun)

ability to read and write; or to have proficiency in something

  • During the job search, sociology graduates should stress their work and internship experience, analytical skills, oral and written communication skills, computer literacy, and knowledge of statistics and research design.

Literal (adjective)

taking words in their basic sense without metaphor or allegory

  • Dr. Martin Luther King resented religious emotionalism and questioned literal interpretations of scripture; he nevertheless greatly admired black social gospel  proponents such as his father who saw the church as a instrument for improving the lives of African Americans.

Literary (adjective)

well-informed about literature

  • In January 1925, Faulkner moved to New Orleans and fell in with a literary crowd which included Sherwood Anderson (author of Winesburg, Ohio) and centered around The Double Dealer, a literary magazine whose credits include the first published works of Hart Crane, Ernest Hemingway, Robert Penn Warren, and Edmund Wilson.

Lofty  (adjective) 

extending to a great height

  • When feeding in a field, crows usually post a sentinel on a lofty perch to sound a warning if any danger should approach.

Longevity (noun) long life

  • Recent research has shown that regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can increase longevity.

Longitude (noun)

angular distance east or west from the prime meridian

  • At some longitudes the observer would see the Sun rise and then gradually increase in apparent size as it slowly moved toward the zenith. At that point the Sun would stop, briefly reverse course, and stop again before resuming its path toward the horizon and decreasing in apparent size.

Longstanding (adjective) of long duration

  • There has been a longstanding tradition to divide early history into periods according to the hard materials such as stone, cooper, bronze, and iron, from which cutting tools and weapons were made.

Loom (verb)

to be imminent–about to occur at any moment, being or occurring in the time ahead

  • At no time has this enormous growth of medical costs loomed larger as a social question than now.

 Loophole (noun)

a means of escape; especially : an ambiguity or omission in the text through which the intent of a statute, contract, or obligation may be evaded

  • Consumer advocates have worried that the list would be laden with loopholes without the support of the FCC, which oversees the nation's telephone system.

Looter (noun)

one who seizes and carries away by force especially in war

  • The cases were not found until last week because the basement of the bank was flooded, possibly deliberately by bank officials as a way to protect the treasures from looters.

Lose touch (verb)

to depart from reality; to not have regular contact with someone or something

  • Most people have observed mild dissociative episodes in which they lose touch with their surroundings.

Lumbering (noun)

lacking dexterity and grace in physical movement

  • Tom Keith, although a lumbering sort of character, is quite effective as a steel worker.

Luminescent (adjective)

the natural emission of light by an insect or animal

  • Most of the squid on which whales prey are luminescent.

Lure (verb)

to beguile or draw into a wrong or foolish course of action

  • As a way to lure their prey, coyotes will often act playful to small dogs and cats.

Lynch (verb)

the act of putting a person to death without a legal trial

  • Ironically, the practice of lynching got its name from William Lynch, who was a law- abiding citizen.

Lyricism (noun)

something likened to verse, as in form or style

  • Her gift in lyricism is what has helped her to successfully write pop-music songs.

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