Vocabulary English-English With N


Vocabulary English-English With N

Nag (verb)

to scold or find fault constantly

  • Nagging another person can cause resentment, ultimately resulting in a destroyed friendship.

Naked (adjective)

not wearing any clothes; without the aid of a microscope or telescope

  • If the inclusions are not visible to the naked eye, a higher clarity does not really improve the appearance of a diamond but rather the rarity and price.

Natal (adjective)

of or connected with one’s birth

  • Both villages show a similar level of in-marriage among women currently resident within the village, 67% for Sakaltutan and 63% for Elbasi, indicating an approximate ratio of two women marrying and resident within their natal village for every one who marries out.

Nationwide (noun)

throughout the whole nation–an organized geopolitical unit

  • As we use more and more water, the nationwide supply is rapidly being used up.

Navigable (adjective)

capable of being passed, traversed, or crossed

  • In the United States, there are few navigable rivers through which ocean-liners can travel.

Negotiate (verb)

to come to an agreement about

  • In April 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte negotiated the sale of the Louisiana Territory with the envoys of President Thomas Jefferson.

Neolithic (adjective)

of or relating to the latest period of the Stone Age characterized by polished stone implements; belonging to an earlier age and now outmoded

  • Once considered a "Neolithic backwater" by archaeologists, Papua New Guinea is emerging as one of the handful of places on Earth where agricultural practices developed independently from other cultures.

 Networking (noun)

the developing of contacts or exchanging of information with others in an informal network

  • In a short time, the reforms might well be a dynamic instability in the care and networking of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Neurological (adjective)

relating to the branch of medicine dealing with the nervous system

  • The result of a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain, autism and its associated behaviors have been estimated to occur in as many as 1 in 500 individuals.

Newfangled (adjective)

showing marked departure from previous practice

  • The economics theories of today are merely a newfangled form of former theories first posed in the 1960's.

Newfound (adjective) 

newly found

  • She mentions inner growth, a new sense of self and self-respect, a heightened sense of priorities, and a newfound independence as she assumed the bulk of responsibilities and decision making.

Nobility (noun)

the quality or state of possessing outstanding qualities in character, quality, or rank 

  • Showing a nobility of character that has worldwide appeal, Lincoln, a Republican, was the first member of his party to become president.

Nocturnal   (adjective) 

of or occurring the night

  • Many rattlesnakes are nocturnal, but they can also be seen during the daytime.

Nominate (verb)

to select someone for an office, a position, or an award

  • Among her volumes of poetry are A Brave and Startling Truth (Random House, 1995), The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou (1994), Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now (1993), Now Sheba Sings the Song (1987), I Shall Not Be Moved (1990), Shaker, Why Don't You Sing? (1983), Oh Pray My Wings Are Gonna Fit Me Well (1975), and Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'fore I Die (1971), which was nominated for the Pulitzer prize.

Norm (noun)

an accepted way or behaving in a certain group

  • A person who engages in criminal behavior can be differentiated by the quality or quantity of his/her learning through associations with those who define criminal activity favorable and the relative isolation from lawful social norms.

Notch (noun)

a v-shaped indentation of an edge or surface

  • It is said that the notorious Billy the Kid made a notch on his pistol grip for each of his victims.

Notion (noun)

something believed or accepted as true by a person

  • The Battle at Shiloh changed all preconceived notions that the Civil War would be short lived.

Notwithstanding (preposition)

[notwithstanding their lack of experience, they were an immediate success] — often used after its object [the motion passed, our objection notwithstanding]: despite

  • Seahorses are no ordinary sea creatures, notwithstanding their monogamy which is highly unusual for the animal kingdom. It is the male who receives eggs from his female partner and fertilizes them himself.

Novelistic (adjective)

of or pertaining to new and unusual; being the first of its kind

  • Los trabajos is the best evidence not only of the survival of Greek novelistic themes but also of the survival of forms and ideas of the Spanish novel of the second Renaissance.

Nucleus (noun)

a source of further growth and development

  • A family is the basic unit in society having as its nucleus two or more adults living together and cooperating in the care and rearing of their own or adopted children.

 Nuptial (adjective)

of or relating to marriage or the marriage ceremony; characteristic of or occurring in the breeding season

  • Winged males and female carpenter ants engage in a nuptial flight in late spring and early summer.

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