26 TEST TOEFL Vocabulary


26 TEST  TOEFL Vocabulary

1. Grief aggravated her illness.
(A) appeased
(B) tranquilized
(C) extenuated
(D) intensified
2. The ill-intentioned aggregation was dispersed by the police.
(A) gathering
(B) disintegration
(C) solo
(D) constituent

3. The new teacher stood aghast at the students' lack of  discipline
(A) acceptant
(B) tolerant
(C) lenient
(D) horrified
aghast (əˈɡast) = filled with horror or shock.
4. One needs an agile mind to solve the puzzles puzzles.
(A) lively
(B) sluggish
(C) lethargic
(D) inert
agile = able to move quickly and easily.

5. The mind of man is agitated by various emotions
(A) lulled
(B) quieted
(C) soothed
(D) provoked
agitated (ˈajiˌtādəd) = feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.

6. Will Durant is an agnostic.
(A) deist
(B) pagan
(C) ascetic
(D) one who believes that nothing is known about the existence of God

7. The patient is in agony.
(A) suffering
(B) repose
(C) rest
(D) peace

8. Sometimes agrarian disputes 
are hard to settle.
(A) industrial
(B) political
(C) of land
(D) academic

9. It's simply a minor ailment
(A) mistake
(B) blunder
(C) question
(D) disease

10. Pity is often akin to love.
(A) related to
(B) different from
(C) alien to
(D) foreign to
11. The retarded child moved with alacrity.
(A) quickness
(B) slowness
(C) hesitation
(D) dilatoriness
alacrity (əˈlakrədē) = brisk and cheerful readiness.

12. The dog is always alert.
(A) listless
(B) lively
(C) languid
(D) indolent

13. The troops aligned.
(A) attacked
(B) retreated
(C) triumphed
(D) lined up

14. Her fears were allayed by her mother's consolation.
(A) aggravated
(B) worsened
(C) mitigated
(D) aroused

15. To become a citizen, you must swear
allegiance to the United States
(A) disaffection
(B) treason
(C) loyalty
(D) infidelity

16. Heat often alleviates pain.
(A) intensifies
(B) augments
(C) cures
(D) mitigates

17. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
(A) fission
(B) fuss
(C) separation
(D) mixture
alloy = mix (metals) to make an alloy

18. Rewards allure men to confront
(A) elude
(B) attract
(C) allude
(D) estrange

19. We heard some remarks in
allusion to his misconduct.
(A) slight mention (B) illusion (C) praise (D) ailment

20. The plane is flying at a great altitude
(A) speed
(B) alacrity
(C) stability
(D) height

21. To give away alms is an
altruistic deed.
(A) selfish (B) egoistic (C) niggardly (D) charitable

22. To amble along the willow bank
is an incomparable delight
(A) alight (B) gallop
(C) joy (D) saunter

23. The government is trying to
ameliorate workers' condition.
(A) impair (B) improve (C) mar (D) deteriorate

24.The amenity of his manners is
(A) hostility (B) agreeableness (C) antagonism (D) amigo

25.The meeting ended on an
amiable note.
(A) surly (B) crabbed (C) impetuous (D) agreeable

26. The negotiators joined in
amicable discussion.
(A) bellicose (B) belligerent (C) pugnacious (D) friendly