Phrasal Verb With Go and Look


Phrasal Verb With Go and Look

1. go along with sth/sb

Meaning: support an idea, or agree with someone's opinion

Artinya: mendukung ide, atau setuju dengan pendapat seseorang

Example: Whatever you say, Dianne will go along with you.

2. go on

Meaning: continue to exist or happen

Artinya : terus ada atau terjadi

Example: It went on raining all day.

3. go on

Meaning: happen

Artinya : terjadi

Example: There's a police car outside the shop. Do you know what's going on?

4. go through with

Meaning : do something unpleasant or difficult which you planned or promised to do

Artinya : Melakukan sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan atau sulit yang Anda rencanakan atau janjikan untuk dilakukan

Example: I don't want to do the exam now but I'd better go through with it.

5. go together

Meaning: if two types of thing or people go together, they are usually found with each other

Artinya: jika dua jenis benda atau orang pergi bersama, mereka biasanya ditemukan bersama

Example: A bad cough and a sore throat often go together.

Phrasal Verb With Look

1. look up to sb

Meaning: respect and admire

Artinya : menghormati dan mengagumi

Example: If you look up to your English teacher, you admire and respect him or her

2. look down on sb/sth

Meaning : think that someone or something is less important than you, or that something is not good enough quality for you to use

Artinya : berpikir bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu kurang penting dari Anda, atau bahwa kualitas sesuatu tidak cukup baik untuk Anda gunakan

Example: Lord Muck is a terrible snob. He looks  down on most other people.

3. look after sb/sth

Meaning : take care of someone or something by doing what is needed to keep someone or something well or in good condition

Artinya : merawat seseorang atau sesuatu dengan melakukan apa yang diperlukan untuk menjaga seseorang atau sesuatu dengan baik atau dalam kondisi baik

Example: She loves looking after  children, so she has decided to train as a nanny.

4. look ahead

Meaning : think about what will happen in the future and plan for those events

Artinya : pikirkan tentang apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan dan rencanakan acara tersebut

Example: We have to look ahead  to the time when our child will be old enough to go to university.

5. look around/round

Meaning : try to find something you want (e.g. a job) by asking different people or by looking in different places

Artinya : cobalah untuk menemukan sesuatu yang Anda inginkan (mis. pekerjaan) dengan bertanya kepada orang yang berbeda atau dengan mencari di tempat yang berbeda

Example: She's looking around for a new English course. She's not very satisfied with the one she's following at the moment.

6. look forward to sth/doing sth

Meaning : feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen

Artinya : merasa senang dan bersemangat tentang sesuatu yang akan terjadi

Example: I'm really looking forward  to seeing my cousins again next week.

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