Phrasal verbs with Come and Get

Phrasal verbs with Come and Get

Phrasal Verb adalah merupakan suatu jenis bahasa Inggris yang dipergunakan untuk bahasa lisan atau tulisan informal, misalnya surat kepada teman dan artikel dalam jurnalisme populer. Sering kali ada padanan satu kata, atau sinonim, untuk digunakan dalam gaya lisan atau tulisan yang lebih formal.

Phrasal Verb seringkali dapat digantikan dengan kata kerja yang lainnya yang mengandung arti yang kurang lebih sama. 

1. Phrasal verbs with Come

  • come along : Arive at a place (Tiba di suatu tempat) 
Example: Not many people bought tickets for the concert in advance, but quite a few came along and bought tickets at the door.
  • come apart : separate into pieces (terpisah menjadi beberapa bagian)
Example: The antique picture frame just came apart in my hands
  • come around or come round: become conscious again (menjadi sadar kembali)
Example: A nurse was with me when I came round after the operation.
  • come out : disappear or become less strong (of dirt or colour on clothing/material) (menghilang atau menjadi kurang kuat (kotoran atau warna pada pakaian/bahan))
Example: Let your shirt soak overnight and the stain will probably come out
  • come out : become public knowledge after it has been kept secret (of the truth) (diketahui umum setelah dirahasiakan (kebenarannya))
Example: If this story comes out about the Prime Minister, he'll have to resign.
  • come out : be given to people (of results or information) (diberikan kepada orang-orang (dari hasil atau informasi))
Example: When do your exam results come out?

  • come out: leave after a period in a place (of hospital/prison)
Example: Jane's coming out of hospital at the weekend. She's much better now.

2. Phrasal verbs with Get
  • get together (often + with) : If two or more people get together, they meet in order to do something or spend time together. (Jika dua orang atau lebih berkumpul, mereka bertemu untuk melakukan sesuatu atau menghabiskan waktu bersama.)
Example: It's nice to get together with people you get on with.
  • get on (often + with) : If two or more people get on, they like each other and are friendly to each other. (Jika dua orang atau lebih bergaul, mereka saling menyukai dan bersahabat satu sama lain.)
Example: It's nice to get together with people you get on with.
  • get on (often + with) : continue doing something, especially work
Example: must get on with my work. I got behind because I spent too much time on the Internet.
  • get behind (often + with) : If you get behind with work or with payments, you have not done as much work or paid as much as you should by a particular time.
Example: must get on with my work. I got behind because I spent too much time on the Internet.
  • get sth over with : do and complete something difficult or unpleasant that must be done (melakukan dan menyelesaikan sesuatu yang sulit atau tidak menyenangkan yang harus dilakukan)
Example: Let's get this meeting over with, or else we'll never get away before the rush hour and it will take ages to get home.
  • get away : leave a place or person, often when the situation makes it difficult for you to do so (meninggalkan tempat atau orang, seringkali ketika situasinya membuat Anda sulit untuk melakukannya)
Example: Example: Let's get this meeting over with, or else we'll never get away before the rush hour and it will take ages to get home.
  • can't/couldn't get over sth : be very surprised or shocked that something has happened or that something is true (sangat terkejut atau kaget bahwa sesuatu telah terjadi atau bahwa sesuatu itu benar)
Example: can't get over how she manages to get away with doing so little work. It's obvious to everyone, but the boss never seems to notice.
  • get away with sth/doing sth : succeed in not being criticised or punished for something wrong that you have done (berhasil tidak dikritik atau dihukum karena kesalahan yang telah Anda lakukan)
Example: can't get over how she manages to get away with doing so little work. It's obvious to everyone, but the boss never seems to notice.

Demikian, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua..
