1. I want to express my deep thanks to editors Barbara Mowat and Paul Werstine for creating these indispensable editions of Shakespeare’s works, which incorporate the best of textual scholarship with a richness of commentary that is both inspired and engaging.
- indispensable = (adj) sangat diperlukan, yang harus ada, tidak boleh tidak
- engaging = (adj) yang menarik hati, yang menyenangkan
2. Hamlet, now free to act, mistakenly kills Polonius, thinking he is Claudius. Claudius sends Hamlet away as part of a deadly plot
- mistakenly = salah
3. Therefore I have entreated him along With us to watch the minutes of this night, That, if again this apparition come, He may approve our eyes and speak to it.
- entreated (verb) memohon, meminta dengan sangat
- along = (Prep) bersama
- apparition = (nomina) penampakan, hantu
- assail = (verb) menyerang, menyerbu, membantah
- fortified = (adj) diperkuat, dibentengi
- yond = (adv) disana, disebelah sana
- westward = (adj) barat
- illume = illuminate = (verb_ menerangi
- thee = kamu, kalian
- tremble (verb) gemetar
- sensible = (adj) masuk akal
- avouch = (verb) mengaku, meyakinkan
- frowned = (verb) mengerutkan kening, bermuka masam
- smote = (verb) memukul, menghantam
- sledded = (Nomina) kereta luncur
10. This bodes some strange eruption to our state
- bodes = (verb) pertanda, alamat, menandakan
- majestical = agung
- invulnerable = (adj) kebal
- vain = sia-sia, sombong, percuma
- haste = (nomina) bergegas
13. ’Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet, To give these mourning duties to your father. But you must know your father lost a father, That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bound In filial obligation for some term To do obsequious sorrow
- commendable = (adj) terpuji
- mourning = duka, ratapan, tangis, percintaan
- filial = berbakti, berkenaan dengan anak perempuan
- perseve = (verb) tekuh, gigih, ngotot
- obstinate = (adj) keras kepala, tegar, gigih
- condolement = (nomina) belasungkawa
- impious = (adj) jahat, tak beriman, tak bertuhan
- unfortified = (adj) tidak dibentengi, (makanan) tanpa suplemen tambahan
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