Preposition Beginning With C, D, F, and G


Preposition Beginning With C, D, F, and G

Prepositions beginning with C

One-word prepositions

circa = (biasanya di awali tanggal, bulan, tahun) sekitar, kurang lebih, kira-kira

He died circa 1270.

concerning = tentang, mengenai, perihal, akan, berkenaan dgn

Your teacher talked to me concerning your homework. 

I have some questions concerning your decision.

considering = mengingat, dengan mempertimbangkan

Considering the poor quality, I think the price is too high. 

I think I must be going, considering the time.

counting = perhitungan

There were four people, or five counting the baby. 

That makes $70, not counting the tax. 

cum = sekaligus

I have a study-cum-bedroom. 

She is a kind of secretary-cum-receptionist.

Complex prepositions

close to = dekat

My car is close to your car. About two cars away.

contrary to = berbeda dengan 

Contrary to expectations, the euro fell in value.

Prepositions beginning with D

One-word prepositions

despite = walaupun

We went swimming despite the cold water. 

He passed the test despite being ill.

down = ke bawah, dibawah

They ran down the hill. 

The post office is down the road. 

They have had many wars down the years. 

during = selama

He fell asleep during the meeting. 

I want to go swimming during the weekend. 

I was bored during the whole film.

Complex prepositions

depending on = bergantung kepada

We'll play tennis tomorrow, depending on the rain. 

due to = karena, disebabkan

The cancellation was due to the rain. There was no other reason.

Prepositions beginning with F
One-word prepositions

following = setelah, sesudah
We had coffee following lunch. 
He couldn't work following his illness. 

for (also conjunction) = untuk, bagi, selama, ke, karena, atas, terhadap, akan, demi, buat, guna, karena
This is for you. 
Do you want to go for a walk? 
You use a corkscrew for opening bottles. 
Cigarettes are bad for you. 
I'm saving for a new car. 
Is this the road for Rome? 
They passed me over for John. 
Is this the train for Cambridge? 
I bought it for $10. 
We worked for three hours. 
Keep walking for two kilometres. 

from = dari, mulai, sejak, karena, daripada
Where do you come from
This letter is from my wife. 
I bought this car from Henry. 
They prevented me from entering. 
My car is different from yours. 
We worked from Monday to Wednesday. 
Paper is made from wood. 
It can cost anything from $5 to $15. 
The police took my driving licence from me. 
He died from overwork.

Complex prepositions

forward of = depan dari
He was sitting forward of me in the plane. I could just see the back of his head.

further to = lebih lanjut
Further to your letter, I have spoken to Mr Brown.

Prepositions beginning with G
One-word prepositions

given = dengan pertimbangan
He is in very good health, given his age. He's at least 95. 
Given the time, you ought to leave now.

gone (mainly British English) = sudah mencapai
It's certainly gone 11 o'clock. It must be 11.30. 
He's gone 50. He must be nearly 60 years old.

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