Preposition Beginning With I, L, M, N and P
Prepositions beginning with I
One-word prepositions
in = di, dalam, pada, di dalam, dengan, secara, untuk, atas, menurut, antara, di antara, waktu, mengikut, lagi
• Monkeys live in the jungle.
• John is the man with his hand in his pocket.
• I live in an apartment.
• She lives in Bangkok.
• Tara was born in 1977.
• Trains were invented in the nineteenth century.
• I'll come back in two weeks.
• Let's meet in the morning.
• There are 60 seconds in a minute.
including = termasuk, dan juga
• The price is $70 including $10 for delivery. (Total = $70.)
• There were four of us, including the baby.
inside = didalam, dalam, kedalam, dibagian dalam
• It was dark inside the tunnel.
• My modem is inside my computer. It's an internal modem.
into = ke, menjadi, ke dalam, atas, sampai
• John went into that shop.
• If you heat ice it turns into water.
• We cut the cake into ten pieces.
• Five into ten makes two.
Complex prepositions
in addition to = selain, disamping itu
• There were two people in addition to me. So that made three of us.
in between = diantara
• He is in between the two opinions. He wants to compromise.
in case of = seandainya
• You can phone me in case of need. Day or night.
in face of = menghadapi
• He reacts bravely in face of danger.
in favour of = mendukung
• I am not in favour of your idea. It won't work.
in front of = didepan, dihadapan, dimuka
• You can park your car in front of my house.
• I couldn't see the film because the woman in front of me was wearing a big hat.
in lieu of = sebagai pengganti
• I don't have any dollars. Can I pay euro in lieu of dollars?
in spite of = meskipun, walaupun
• We went swimming in spite of the cold water.
instead of = daripada, sebagai gantinya
• We don't have any tea. Would you like coffee instead of tea?
in view of = mengingat
• In view of your illness, we will wait for a week.
Prepositions beginning with L
One-word prepositions
less = dikurangi
• 10 less 3 = 7.
like = seperti
• She is like her sister.
• She sings like a bird.
• It's not like John to complain.
• Do it like this.
• I feel like swimming.
• It looks like rain.
• I want something cold, like iced-coffee.
Prepositions beginning with M
One-word prepositions
minus = dikurangi
• 10 minus 3 = 7.
• The temperature is minus 30 degrees centigrade.
Prepositions beginning with N
One-word prepositions
near = dekat
• The school is near the post office.
• It's 20 December. We are very near Christmas Day.
notwithstanding = meskipun, walaupun, sekalipun
• Notwithstanding the low price, I don't want it.
• They went swimming, notwithstanding the rain.
• They went swimming, the rain notwithstanding.
Complex prepositions
near to = dempet, dekat dengan
• There is a restaurant near to my office. Just two minutes away.
next to = di sebelah
• The school is next to the bank. Between the hotel and the bank.
Prepositions beginning with O
One-word prepositions
of = dari, untuk, akan, karena, kurang
• I live in the house at the end of the road.
• Where is the key of the car?
• Do you like the work of Shakespeare?
• What was the cost of this book?
• He lives in the City of Westminster.
• It was kind of you to help me.
• This is the cause of the problem.
• He died of cancer.
• Most tables are made of wood.
• Can I have a cup of coffee?
• I know some of these people.
• I don't know any of these people.
• He lives south of London.
• He lives in the south of London.
off = lepas, keluar, jauh, dekat, kurang, sebelah
• Please take your shoes off the table.
• Keep off the grass.
• It fell off the table and broke.
• They live in a street off Fifth Avenue.
on = pada, di, tentang, atas, untuk, dalam, mengenai, disebelah, demi
• Please don't put your shoes on the table.
• The picture is on page 7.
• We live on a busy road. It's very noisy.
• She is sunbathing on the beach.
• Is there water on the Moon?
• I need a book on bio-chemistry.
• My birthday is on Monday.
• I start work on 7 May.
• Let's meet on the weekend. (American English)
• I'll see you on Christmas Day.
• You must be on time.
• He broke his leg on getting out of the car.
onto (mainly American English) see on to = atas, diatas
• The cat jumped onto the chair.
• The police are onto us. (slang)
opposite = dihadapan, berhadapan, tentang
• There is a post office opposite my house.
• She sat opposite him and looked into his eyes.
outside = diluar, kecuali, keluar dari
• I don’t live in London. I live outside London.
• It was very cold outside the car.
• This is outside my scope.
over = atas, diatas, pada
• We are flying over the mountains.
• Put the blanket over the bed.
• The cat jumped over the wall.
• Let’s discuss it over dinner.
• The king ruled over the country for many years.
• The town is just over the border.
• It cost over $50. It was $53.25.
• There is rain over the whole country.
• It took over an hour to do my homework.
• The population has increased over the past twenty years.
• Can you stay with us over Christmas?
Complex prepositions
on account of = karena, sebab
• Don't worry on account of me. Think about yourself.
on behalf of = atas nama
• I'm calling you on behalf of Mr Brown. I represent him in legal matters.
on board = diatas kapal
• Is there a doctor on board this plane?
on to (mainly British English) see onto = atas, diatas
• The cat jumped on to the chair.
on top of = diatas dari
• The cat is sitting on top of the television.
opposite to = berlawanan dengan
• There is a tree opposite to the house. Straight across the road.
other than = selain
• Sorry, we're out of whisky. But we have every drink other than whisky.
out of = dari, karena, dari dalam, tak ada, tak baik, tak enak
• Take your hands out of your pockets and help me!
• He went out of the room to smoke a cigarette.
• We're out of eggs. Shall I buy some?
outside of = diluar
• They stopped outside of the city to check the map before entering.
owing to = karena, berkat, sebab
• We didn't go swimming, owing to the cold weather.
Prepositions beginning with P
One-word prepositions
past = melewati, lewat
• I saw you yesterday when we drove past your school.
• The post office is just past the police station.
• Don't work past your bed-time.
• This is difficult. It's past me.
• It's nearly ten minutes past five. 5.09 to be precise.
pending = seraya menantikan
• We cannot supply you pending payment.
• Pending his return, we can do nothing.
• There were many arguments pending the negotiations.
per = per, setiap
• The speed limit is 70 miles per hour.
• The carpet costs $10 per square metre.
plus = tambah
• 2 plus 2 = 4.
• There will be three of us, plus the baby. So that's four in total.
pro = mendukung
• Are you pro capital punishment or against it?
• He is very modern. He is generally pro new ideas.
Complex prepositions
preparatory to = persiapan, sebelum
• I made a graph preparatory to the meeting, so everything was ready.
prior to = sebelum
• I never spoke French prior to living in France. But I learned quickly after coming to
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