Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 11


Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 11

1. It is worthy of remark, as a curious physical instance of the efficacy of a sudden surprise in counteracting the effects of extreme fear, that her voice had quite recovered all its official asperity.

  • remark = komentar
  • instance =contoh 
  • efficacy = khasiat 
  • counteracting  = menangkal 
  • asperity = kekasaran 

2. It is a common thing for the countenances of the dead, even in that fixed and rigid state, to subside into the long-forgotten expression of sleeping infancy, and settle into the very look of early life; so calm, so peaceful

  • ountenances = raut muka 
  • rigid = kaku 
  • subside = mereda 
  • infancy = masa bayi 

3. Stretching forth her trembling fingers as she spoke, the old creature shook them exultingly before her face, and fumbling in her pocket, brought out an old timediscoloured tin snuff-box, from which she shook a few grains into the outstretched palm of her companion, and a few more into her own

  • cforth = sebagainya 
  • exultingly = dengan gembira 
  • fumbling  = meraba-raba 
  • time discoloured = waktu berubah warna
  • snuff = tembakau 
  • grains = biji-bijian 
  • outstretched  = terbentang 

4. The Jew, perceiving that Mr. Chitling was considerably roused, hastened to assure him that nobody was laughing; and to prove the gravity of the company, appealed to Master Bates, the principal offender.

  • perceiving = mempersepsikan 
  • hastened = dipercepat 
  • appealed = banding 

5. But as the Jew, looking back, waved his hand to intimate that he preferred being alone; and, moreover, as the little man could not very easily disengage himself from the chair

  • moreover = apalagi
  • disengage = melepaskan diri

6. 'What is all this?' cried the girl involuntarily.

  • involuntarily = tanpa sadar

7. He followed up this remarkable declaration, by shaking his head in a waggish manner for ten minutes

  • remarkable = luar biasa
  • waggish = goyang

8. And now, hosts of bewildering and confused ideas came crowding on his mind

  • bewildering  = membingungkan
  • crowding = berkerumun


  • INMATES  = tahanan
  • RESORT = 
  • mempergunakan: use, apply, practice, draw upon, handle, resort
  • mengambil jalan: resort
  • minta tolong: ask, resort
  • sering datang: frequent, haunt, repair, resort
  • sering mengunjungi: frequent, haunt, habituate, repair, resort
10. With many loquacious assurances that they would be agreeably surprised in the aspect of the criminal, the doctor drew the young lady's arm through one of him; and offering his disengaged hand to Mrs. Maylie, led them, with much ceremony and stateliness, upstairs.

  • loquacious = cerewet 
  • agreeably = setuju 
  • disengaged = terlepas 
  • stateliness = keagungan 

11. He has not been shaved very recently, but he don't look at all ferocious notwithstanding.

  • shaved = dicukur
  • ferocious = ganas

12. 'It's the runners!' cried Brittles, to all appearance much relieved.

  • relieved = lega

13. 'All I know is,' said Mr. Losberne, at last: sitting down with a kind of desperate calmness, 'that we must try and carry it off with a bold face.

  • desperate =  putus asa
  • bold = tebal

14. 'Wery pretty indeed it is,' remarked Duff, in an undertone.

  • remarked = berkomentar
  • undertone = nada

15. 'What did Jem Spyers say?' inquired the doctor; who had returned to the room shortly after the commencement of the story.

  • inquired = bertanya
  • commencement = permulaan

16. 'Poor fellow!' said Rose, when Oliver had been one day feebly endeavouring to utter the words of thankfulness that rose to his pale lips

  • feebly = lemah
  • endeavouring  = berusaha 

17. I see no good that I should have done, except leading to my own exposure, and an unavoidable statement of the manner in which I have hushed up this business.

  • unavoidable = tidak dapat dihindari
  • hushed up = diam

18. The circumstance occasioned no alteration, however, in the behaviour of his benefactors.

  • occasioned  = kesempatan
  • alteration = perubahan
  • benefactors = dermawan

19. Spring flew swiftly by, and summer came. he hue of her countenance had changed to a marble whiteness. we have no power to alleviate

  • swiftly  = cepat 
  • hue = rona 
  • countenance  = raut muka 
  • marble = marmer 
  • whiteness = keputihan 
  • alleviate = meringankan 

20. He almost thought that shrouds were for the old and shrunken; and that they never wrapped the young and graceful form in their ghastly folds.

  • shrouds  = kain kafan
  • shrunken = menyusut
  • ghastly = mengerikan

21. I determined to keep back the letter until I had heard Mr. Losberne's opinion.

  • determined  = bertekad

22. He applied himself, with redoubled assiduity

  • redoubled  = digandakan
  • assiduity = ketekunan

23. He stood transfixed for a moment; then, leaping from the window into the garden, called loudly for help

  • transfixed = terpaku
  • leaping = melompat

24. When the inmates of the house, attracted by Oliver's cries, hurried to the spot from which they proceeded, they found him, pale and agitated, pointing in the direction of the meadows behind the house

  • inmates = narapidana
  • agitated = gelisah
  • meadows = padang rumput

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